Sunday, July 24, 2022


One of my friends is gloating now that Steve Bannon has been found guilty, crowing that this proves something and there will be justice. What he overlooks entirely is that Steve Bannon will not got to jail for a long time, and if and when he does, which is doubtful, he'll serve two months in a minimum security facility with round the clock oversight to prevent him from being brutalized by other prisoners. After wich he and the other rightwing nationalist scumbuckets will proudly call that a badge of honour.

Influential white people seldom serve time, and rarely in a real prison.
Unless they've committed crimes of a sexual nature.
Or defrauded othe white people.

And sofar, all the sentences handed down have been wrist slaps.
Or meaningless tut-tutting.

What we really need to do is brand them for life and consign them to the galleys. What we are doing is bolstering their support among the bucket people and ensuring that when the Republicans regain control they will do precisely that to the Democrats. Who are acting like gentlemen, being procedurally totally, fussilly, correct, and largely, in two years of this crap showing indecisiveness on a monumental scale and a lack of leadership so staggering that they're losing their own base. The Republican scum are not and will not be constrained by procedural or moral considerations -- those are not things that have ever been of any concern to them -- and unlike the Democrats, who fear being found wrong by history, the Republicans are making sure that when their time comes, as through dirty tricks and manipulation it will, they will write the history books and outlaw alternate accounts.

I wish my 'friend' would shut the F up. Nothing has been achieved, and his silly victory dances are exceedingly irritating. His faith in the American system is utterly misplaced.

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