Monday, July 25, 2022


A chain of events and mental associations reminded me of a period several years ago which, in retrospect, I am exceedingly glad is over. Things are far better now, and there are fewer people around to irritate me, which is good, because I am somewhat less tolerant.
Also far less inclined to involve myself with causes and groups.

Nowadays, I prefer to sit back and observe. So if someone who has not involved me in their decision-making process engages in idiotic behaviour or fronts ridiculous ideas, it is extremely likely I will not say anything.

This comes to mind because of people I now no longer choose to associate with.

That was a mutual decision, though they may not consider it such.

I have, gratefully, no clue what they're doing.

Or what their lives are like.

There are other folks with whom I still gladly associate, and whose thoughts and activities continue to inspire and evoke feelings. Because despite an image of stern impatience at times, I am a rather emotional man.
I find it hard to make connections. Probably the key elements are intelligence and emotional similarity. Shared interests are also important, plus an absence of disapproval or intolerance regarding personal peculiarities.

My apartment mate is a very patient woman, and would very probably be the last person to consider herself tolerant, but she is. She's put up with my eccentricities for years now, and has shown great kindness and consideration. If I were to remind her of that she would exclaim "I know, dammit, stinky old toad" and glower. Because she does not take compliments gracefully. As neither do I.

She's a remarkable woman. I hope her siblings realize that.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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