Wednesday, December 06, 2017


The world disagrees with the United States recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital. The world is a little queer. Jerusalem has been Israel's capital since the rebirth of Israel as an independent entity.

Predictably, all the usual suspects are determined to rage and spit, and, if possible, break things. And as you would expect, the Middle East will become a seething cauldron of anger at the United States.

The picture below shows their fury.

Indignant fashion models in Gaza.
Photo credit: Mohammed Salem/Reuters

It might have been more diplomatic to not do that. The very next step is that they trash local fast-food franchises and attack European tourists. They might even boycott our television shows, and call us names.

Gee willikers, it's a festering sea of discontent.

This blogger is extremely sad that they will be avoiding our bacon cheese burgers henceforth, as we had been hoping to conquer their hearts and minds with those things. "Wouldn't it be nice", we said, "if those people willingly sold their souls, so that they could share a wee bite from our greatest invention? This delays all our plans indefinitely!"

"A regrettable decision that France does not approve of and goes against international law and all the resolutions of the UN Security Council"
------French President Emmanuel Macron

The feels, man. Oh!
Sacre bleu.

Honestly, folks, can't you all just sit down with each other for some yummy bacon cheeseburgers, KFC, and hummus, perhaps with a holiday egg-nog shake, and hash your problems out like rational people?
Perhaps go down to the mall together to ogle teenage school girls, or maybe even share some fruity drinks while singing karaoke?

Your constant fits of indigestion are so jejune.
As well as totally unimaginative.

Have more hummus!
And zaatar!

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