Saturday, December 16, 2017


'Tis the season of enormous breasts. The BBC website has a big breasted woman illustrating the article about minority gun clubs, the daughter of a Dutch celebrity in an internet newspaper article has bazooms bigger than her head, there was mention of Victoria's Secret elsewhere, and Lada Gagy adorns a webpage.

Of course, Lada Gagy's frontage really isn't that large, but seems more prominent than it is. It's just exposed very often.

Big breasts are like big cars and big cigars. They prove something.
But nobody knows exactly what that is.
Maybe small penis?

Large family-sized mammary glands suggest that one will share them with half a dozen overweight kids and grampa in the corner.
There's enough for the entire neighborhood.

Why yes, I think I will indeed buy the giant economy sack of crunchie-wunchies™, thank you! Does it come in cheese flavour?

Smoked Gouda?

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