Monday, September 21, 2015


Yesterday, while the cigar smokers were waxing wroth over the local team in the lounge -- apparently the boys from San Francisco laid an egg or something -- a single woman with a girlish foreign accent informed my coworker that American men were all cold fish. No passion!
All they cared about was football.
This pursuant a conversation that had started with questions about prospective husband material, any boy friends, or even lust interests.
Which my coworker, being a diplomat, had not really answered.
Well, she's also unmarried, and not really looking.
At least that's the impression that I get.
And I will not query further.
Tain't my beeswax.

Anyway: cold fish, emotionally dead, sports nuts.

European men are different. They have passion!
And they're more engaging and polished.
Total social whizbangs, in fact.
Prizes, all of them!

Having been accused of being a European man since I returned to the States years ago, naturally I was all ears.


I am 'European'.

Yes. And I can't stand football.

OF course I didn't say that, because I did not want to draw attention to myself, or seem to suggest anything. It would have been totally inappropriate, to say the least.

But the next time I find a to-be-wished-for-prospectivette, I may very well start the conversation by, à propos of nothing at all, informing her that I am Europeanish, and consequently both engaging and polished. With a great capacity for passion, and NO interest in football (strange as that may seem).

I am not a fish.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


e-kvetcher said...

Yes, Europeans have no passion for football!

The back of the hill said...

That simply shows polish, and a deep intellectual commitment.

It demonstrates bucket loads of culture.

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