Sunday, May 03, 2015


One of the most disturbing things I have ever read is openly available on the internet, posted for all to see. And I am shocked. Like with such matters as pornography, necro-bestiality, and kitten pictures, I will resolutely pretend that I do not care at all what you think, as long as you don't do so in public, scaring little old ladies, horses, and children.

It's just a pretense, though. I respect your freedom.
And will give you all the space you need.
A very large amount of it.

I'm all for stream-of-consciousness screaming, and letting it all hang out; goodness knows, that's exactly what I do here. But some people should be more circumspect about the dark daemons in their souls, and not forcefully fling their mushed bananas about without inhibition.
There are some things one should not see.

Let me quote some juicy tidbits.

"Just to recall a basic fact: Intercourse/PIV is always rape, plain and simple. This is a developed recap from what I’ve been saying in various comments here and there in the last two years or so. as a radfem I’ve always said PIV is rape and I remember being disappointed to discover that so few radical feminists stated it clearly. "

"...intercourse is NEVER sex for women. Only men experience rape as sexual and define it as such. Sex for men is the unilateral penetration of their penis into a woman (or anything else replacing and symbolising the female orifice) -- and women are dehumanised by this act. "

"...intercourse is inherently harmful to women and intentionally so ..."

Plus also:
"Reproductive harms of PIV range from pregnancy to abortion, having to take invasive, or toxic contraception, giving birth, forced child bearing and rearing and all the complications that go with them which may lead up to severe physical and emotional damage, disability, destitution, illness, or death. "

End quotes.

[SOURCE: PIV is always rape, ok?]

From the blog: radical wind -- blowing through female outerspace

I encourage you to go ahead and read all of it.
It's fascinating stuff.

From a more recent post by the same author:

"The level to which women in the left or libfem women are terrified of radical feminism (or of lesbianism) and fearfully obey to men’s demands, reflects the violence with which men infiltrate, invade and destroy the feminist movement from the inside. It reflects their controlling and abusive attitudes towards women, the way they’ll threaten, intimidate, harass and verbally assault women merely because they refused to submit to men’s fabrication of reality (ie demanding us to call men “she”). It’s also an effect of their sexual sadism towards the women they vampirise, as these men are usually supporters and active practitioners of pornographic and prostitutional violence. Liberal women are misdirected by the false hopes that not all men are bad and that equality is the solution, because liberal men constantly lure them into these myths and exploit women’s desires by posturing as allies and mimicking feminist discourse. More often than not these men manage to control women by becoming the boyfriend-owners (or “best friends”) of liberal women, and impose their interests in women’s groups simply by infiltrating her thoughts and actions in the “privacy” of her/his home, and in her bed, where he enforces PIV and sexually humiliates her, while calling this liberating."

End cite.

[SOURCE: “individualism” and relational deprivation.]

Well. That's totally boffo.
Good stuff. Kudos.

In case anyone is interested, I cannot find myself in any of her writing.
It does not speak to me, nor about me. I am a single male living in San Francisco, growing macrobiotic vegetables, nourishing butterflies, and dancing naked under the moon. That's the stuff we do here.
I hearken to the great mother-goddess within.
Completely celibate and peaceful.
Ask me about macramé.


NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


e-kvetcher said...

"Nourishing butterflies"? Good god, man. Don't you know that each time those winged vampires insert their proboscis into the nectar glands of the flower that is RAPE? PING (that's proboscis in nectar gland) is never OK!

The back of the hill said...

Moth! I meant moths! Benign fuzzy flying wool feeders!


The back of the hill said...

See, that's why I don't keep bees. Despite their matriarchal society. Hierarchical forms of organization are SO patriarchal.

I need a colony of earth worms to make my life complete.

mycologically amphibious said...

Fungus grows well in our climate.

The back of the hill said...

My spiritual mildew is thriving.

e-kvetcher said...

To be frank, reading that blog truly upset me. That there are people out there (the writer seems to have quite a bit of support in the comments) who truly are convinced that PIV sex is rape, is depressing. I don't know how they got to that viewpoint. I can't decide whether they had some kind of sexual trauma that prevented them from thinking rationally or whether this is just a bunch of people who fall in love with ideas and slogans and refuse to engage their critical mind. In either case, it is not worth it probably to engage with them in a conversation.

The back of the hill said...

I've met people like that, and have had conversations with them. Nowadays I try to avoid them. When other people's sexuality overflows into everything else they are and do and speak about, it becomes rather nauseating to be around them.

Of course I should mention that that cuts both ways. Jocks who can only talk about football and big breasted women are just as repulsive. I don't know quite where football leaves off and boobies begin with them, and as I fall asleep during sports discussions, there is naught else to keep me enthralled.

The HUA (Head Up their own Achterend) crowd are energy vampires socially.

I am as fond of boobies as the next man. But not, necessarily, as a subject for long expert second-person discourse; rather than discussing a video game or Starwars, I might rather play the game and watch the movies.

BTW: boobies! Boobies, boobies, boobies! BOO! BEES!

I just felt like saying that.

The back of the hill said...

And yes, I am, in the comment above, suggesting that football fans may have suffered sexual trauma; whatever it is, it probably prevents them from thinking rationally.

e-kvetcher said...

Well, as much as I would not like to be stuck talking about football and big breasted women, I could not say in fairness that such a line of discourse is irrational. OTOH, seem to me that as pretty much all mammals that I'm aware of reproduce through PIV penetration, calling it rape seems batshit crazy.

PS talking about BBW does nothing for me, but looking at them can certainly help pass the time... YMMV

e-kvetcher said...

Off topic. Buddhist monks debating at the Sera monastary in Tibet.

The back of the hill said...

Sometimes breasts are like a video game, waiting to be played.

Sometimes they're carniverous beasts, weapons used offensively, cattle-catchers, quicksand, tentacles, spiked traps......

The back of the hill said...

Oh wait. I was speaking like a typical man.

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