Friday, March 29, 2024


Well, sleep was sheerly awful. Legs. My cardiologist tells me that there is a solution for that. Yet I hesitate, because I'm walking more, my energy levels are up, I'm perky, and surely I can beat this. The discomfort kept me awake for several hours, and I had fitful dreams. So tonight I should have no trouble falling asleep. What is needed, obviously, is more walkies.

During work today, more tea.
And stronger brews.

The chances of being gibberant by evening are stupendous.
In fact, it's pretty much guaranteed.
A sure thing.

For reasons which are unclear my dreams were of hotter weather than we are presently having. There is another round of storms coming in, it should be rainy much of the day, and the temperature will be on the cusp of awful. Easter and Chingming coincide this year. So my apartment mate will be heading out at some point to sweep the tombs, burn palaces, and place fresh flowers.

Which is something I know about, but have never attended to. My family graves are not here.

My relatives wandered a bit. Many places.
I am the only one in San Francisco.
Much has turned to dust.
Some people I know have scheduled a trip back to their home village for the next two or three weeks. First "vacation" in years, their shops are closed for the duration.
They'll be refreshed and cheerful when they reopen.

Their customers understand.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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