Monday, March 25, 2024


They were shortstaffed and consequently their well-oiled clockwork hiccoughed a bit. But I was aware of that; instead of the four waitresses normally on the floor plus a hostess, there were only two fully experienced ones plus a trainee. And somebody's father helping out as seater and host. Plus when I entered, they were crowded.

What I initially intended to get was dumplings. I love dumplings. But my eye fell upon salt fish and chicken bits with tofu claypot 鹹魚雞雞粒豆腐煲仔 'haam yü gai naap dau fu pou jai'), and I decided to have that. With rice (白飯 'paak faan') and milk tea (奶茶 'naai chaa').

The rice came fifteen minutes after the clay pot.

The waitress (Eva) apologized several times. Which she need not have done so much, because I could see that they were understaffed to a fare-thee-well. The milk tea wasn't on my bill, and it turned out she had comped it. I tipped what I had intende to tip (which would be around forty percent of the bill), factoring in the absent milk tea, so it was actually slightly more than fifty percent. I want people at the restaurants I like to remember me favourably, and I don't hold unintended mishaps against people when these aren't their fault.
Besides, I have worked in restaurants.

And I rather suspect that this isn't the best day they've had. By a long shot.
I hope both waitresses are still there when I go again.
The food was delicious, btw.
One of the pipes in my coat pocket was something Neil gave me two weeks ago, saying that he couldn't give it all the attention it deserved, and he knows I like Comoys. Older Comoys. A London Pride apple. It's a very nice smoker. Might be older than I am (and let's not get into details), which sits nicely between the teeth. Perfect for Virginia flakes.

[The other pipe was a Dunhill shell briar.]

Some fully rubbed Dunhill Flake (blue and white tin) was a perfect cap to my meal. My face was glowing happily by the time I got home, and that wasn't just the biting chill wind.

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