Tuesday, August 22, 2017


This is probably the first time I have paid any attention to Buffy The Vampire Slayer in well-over a decade. Actually, ever. Never having watched the show, I remained baffled by its appeal to several of my coworkers at the company where I worked. The premise just didn't appeal to me.

Until I saw this phrase: "I was surrounded by beautiful, needy, aggressive young women"

That is how Joss Whedon described his own work environment.

This, more or less, also applies to an evening recently at a karaoke bar. Which was fun, and I learned an awful lot about my fellow humans.
Especially about the young lady with the rambunctiously floppy bosom who was celebrating her birthday by drinking too much with close friends.
Her first number after I arrived was a rap song about licking something, during which she had trouble with the words. All of the words.
Good thing she danced energetically (and weirdly) for most of the next two hours, as that may have burned through some of the alcohol. By the time she and the designated chaperone left, I had resolved to never ever become a blonde with a keen appetite for clear liquor and a floppy bosom.

[In fact, I see myself as more likely a stunning tall black amazon, a petite Japanese schoolgirl with a sword and a pet rat, or a cat-loving lesbian Jew. I have not considered the nature of my breasts in any case. And I don't drink. Feel free to discuss.]

Being an antisocial sort, I viewed the proceedings from a perch in the back of the bar. Dispassionate, and uninvolved.

The concept of beautiful, needy, aggressive young women is interesting on a strictly intellectual level, but not being a serial philanderer or frat boy with a humongous penile hunger, I see no particular appeal on a personal level.

The floppy shelving also resides on that same intellectual plank; fascinating, in a way, especially from a distance. But one doesn't want to get too close.

I now finally know who Sarah Michelle Gellar is.
This datum does absolutely nothing for me.

I should also now make a snide comment about how many young American women seem to regard their breasts as the best aspect of their personalities, totally sparkling, oh my god.

From Wikipedia:
"The breast is positioned, affixed to, and supported upon the chest wall, while its shape is established and maintained by the skin envelope."

I don't know about you, but I find that phrase fascinating. It's sparkly.

One does not go to a karaoke bar for the conversation.
But it's better than watching drunks on the street.
And much more intellectually stimulating.
I do not know any of their names.

Because of that recent exercise I read up on Joss Whedon, B.T.V.S., Miss Gellar, breasts, cleavage, and adipose tissue. Still to do: find out what the real lyrics are to the licking song. But I'm not planning to watch Buffy.

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