Monday, November 24, 2014


Contrary to what you might think, I agree completely with the people of Oakland, who strongly feel that what happened in Ferguson is a darn good reason to protest. In fact, I think that the good people of Oakland should fully express themselves, and as a personal statement of opinion, I shan't object if they burn their fine city down to the ground.

As, indeed the good people of Ferguson, Missouri,  are attempting to do in their own city.

Little Caesars Pizza on fire. Public storage on fire. Domino's Pizza on fire. Walgreen's looted. O'Riley Auto Parts shop looted. Dollar store looted. Strip mall looted. PC Cellular store on fire. Beauty salon on fire. FedEx looted. McDonald's vandalized. Bricks, incendiary devices, tear gas. Florissant Avenue is a battle zone, the American dream is going up in smoke.

Faraci, Papa Johns, and other pizzerias are nearby.

American pizza restaurants are loathsome!

In Oakland, protesters set fire to offending public garbage receptacles. Indicating by their resolute actions that tomorrow people should sincerely and publicly litter in consequence.
It is indeed a noble deed. Return garbage to mother nature, don't keep it fenced off and unfree.

Oakland should be allowed to return to a state of primeval wilderness. Mother nature needs an opportunity to take it back. Over here in San Francisco we can see more use for the entire East Bay as a reserve, with roaming Buffalo, Gazelle, and herds of Wildebeest.
First step: shut down all pizza restaurants.
It will restore your civic pride.
Chain pizza is evil.

Over five hundred Oakland protesters attempted to hijack interstate US580 and fly it to Cuba. How sad that they did not succeed!
Despite throwing bottles and rocks.

Protests occurred not only in Ferguson and predictably, Oakland, but also in Boston, Washington D.C., New York, and Seattle.

There are pizza restaurants in all those places.

That is NOT a coincidence.

In solidarity with the righteous rioters of Ferguson and Oakland, I shall not eat pizza tonight. I think I'll have quiche instead.


The Oakland protestors demonstrated examplary standards of adult behaviour, and acted as mature as one would expect. Which the excerpts below from a Bay Area newspaper article written by reporters who spent the entire evening following the protests on the street make clear.


A couple of hundred protesters lit a bonfire in the middle of Broadway as the Starbucks store on Eighth Street was trashed and looted of equipment and bags of coffee beans. Thieves then smashed into the nearby Smart & Final and ran away with booze bottles, snacks, 12-packs of beer and bags of dog food.

A phalanx of police in helmets with shields ordered the crowd to disperse, but the protesters refused to move, yelling obscenities and tossing bottles of alcohol at the officers. The officers fired flash-bang grenades, rubber bullets and tear gas, forcing back the mob, which ignited new bonfires as it retreated.

Most of the protesters left the scene after the clash, but a remaining 50 retreated to Telegraph and Broadway and lit a fire. They remained there past 1 a.m., many drinking booze looted from Smart & Final while police kept an eye on them from about a block away.

End cite.

Oakland is the armpit of the Bay Area.
There were not enough arrests.
Which is often the case.
In Oakland.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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