Friday, February 16, 2007


What, you ask, is that crappy title all about? And who in blazes is Ms. Pamela Greenbaum?

Let me clarify first off that I do not know Ms. Pamela Greenbaum, and have no basis for asserting that she is un-ugly and an un-anti-Semite. For all I know, she may be so ghastly looking that little children have nightmares in which she features prominently, and it is possible that clanwatch and the ADL have entire filing cabinets filled with material about her.

[She might, on the other hand, be so drop-dead gorgeous that grown men act like boys holding their very first Victoria's Secret Catalogue on seeing her, and she could be so liberal, accepting, humanistic, progressive, and all round virtuous saintly my heavens she's a veritable mother Theresa that Chassidic rebbes bow in abject humility before her en-masse.]

Why then am I posting about Ms. Pamela Greenbaum? Why am I stressing that she is un ugly and un anti-Semitic?

Because I do not wish to be sued by her.

You see, one of the commenters on Orthomom's blog ( ) opined that Ms. Pamela Greenbaum was an ugly anti-Semite. A personal opinion, yes, but Ms. Pamela Greenbaum (about whose ugliness and anti-Semitism we know little) was so stung by this public airing of an unfavourable opinion that she is suing to have Orthomom's identity revealed.
I'm not sure how that will help her heal, nor what legitimate purpose unmasking a blogger could serve - I would've thought e-mailing Orthomom might have been the advisable option.
["---Please, dear Orthomom, I am wounded, I am hurt, I suffer, could you possibly see your way towards removing that nasty! icky! comment that called me an ugly anti-Semite? Pretty please? I'd be ever so grateful, dearest Orthomom, thank you thank you thank you - signed: Ms Pamela Greenbaum, hugs and kisses. PS. I am NOT ugly OR an anti-Semite, I'm not I'm not I'm not!---"]

As I said, I would've thought that an e-mail would've solved the problem.
[Note: If you wish to e-mail me to express your righteous anger at this sleazy posting, the e-mail address is northbeachlizard at yahoo dot com. Please don't sue me - I don't have any assets.]

Nevertheless, I want the world to know that Ms. Pamela Greenbaum is NOT ugly (although she could be), and is NOT an anti-Semite (although she could be).

My personal opinion, based on very little indeed, is that her lawsuit is ridiculous, she might be an attention-starved harpy who needs to grow up and stop throwing hissy fits, and her lawyer may be an idiot so desperate for publicity that he'll do anything.
Between her possibly gigantic ego, and her lawyer's probable court-slut harlotry, this juvenile and ridiculous lawsuit might achieve nothing except make the allegations of ugliness and anti-Semitism a matter of the public record. She will no longer be able to hide whatever she is. Again, this is an opinion. A mean-spirited opinion, indeed, but like many opinions it may also be fairly accurate and close to fact.

But I do not know. Is that clear? Don't sue me.

Here is something which I lifted from Dovbear's blog (from this posting: :

A LAWRENCE school board member fed up with anonymous kvetching about her on a blog is going to court to stop it from calling her a bigot and an anti-Semite.
Pamela Greenbaum, who serves on the Nassau town's board of education, filed papers against Google over nasty comments posted about her on the Orthomom blog <> .
In the papers filed Tuesday in Manhattan Supreme Court, Greenbaum said she was "horrified" to discover that she had been labeled a bigot on the Google-owned blog after voting against using public funds for what she called "private school interests."
"I was even more horrified when I discovered the blog reported over 300,000 visitors," Greenbaum said in court papers.
Greenbaum alleges that Orthomom - which focuses on issues of interest to Long Island's Orthodox Jewish communities - slandered her by calling her ugly and an anti-Semite.
Greenbaum, who is Jewish but not Orthodox, seeks to unmask the blogger known only as Orthomom.
"Every day that the defamatory material remains on the Internet for all to see, I continue to be harmed as more such material is posted," she said in court papers.

Not only Dovbear, but also Canonist (, Chaim (, Ezzie (, and Krum ( have written about this.

The view has been mooted that it is a ridiculous law-suit, and Ms. Pamela Greenbaum is foolish and ill-advised.

Please note that none of the bloggers listed above have said that Ms. Pamela Greenbaum is ugly and anti-Semitic. Her nasty appearance and spiteful hate (or, conversely, her total fabulosity and ahavas Yisroel) are not a matter of concern. Really. These bloggers aren't in the slightest interested in what she looks like and what her feelings towards her fellow Jews are.

What does Orthomom herself say about all this?

Quote: "Pamela Greenbaum is simply not telling the truth here. I never said any such thing about her. She says that I "slandered her by calling her a bigot and an anti-semite". Lie. She might be referring to something that a commenter on my site said. She should say so.
Pamela Greenbaum also says she that she "continue[s] to be harmed" "every day that the defamatory material remains on the internet for all to see". Hm. if that were really true, do you think that perhaps Mrs. Greenbaum would have contacted me to ask me to remove the comments that bothered her so much? I have been asked in the past to remove comments and I have always done so when warranted. I have no idea which the comments in question are - my blog has gotten many thousands of comments on this matter, and Pamela Greenbaum hasn't ever contacted me.


My sympathies, in case you had any doubt, are with the defendant - I do not approve of attempts to silence bloggers by threatening to out them, and many blogs serve as safe venues for writers to express personal opinions and pose questions. There are also blogs which disseminate information and air grievances. These are all very useful things.

In some cases it is essential that anonimity be the cover of the blogger - it is not always safe to have one's name associated with unpopular statements, and dissenters have at times been stalked, hounded, or fired.
Imagine, if you will, a pro-Israel blog in the Arab world, and you will immediately grasp that there is security in one's identity not being known.

In conclusion, let me say that Ms. Pamela Greenbaum is NOT ugly (or perhaps she is, I really don't know), and most certainly is NOT an anti-Semite (or perhaps she is, I really don't know).

[Most of the foregoing is merely stated as opinion. I did mention that, didn't I?]

Now, here's a totally gratuitous, opportunisitic, and self-serving attempt to garner hits by associating the terms 'Pamela Greenbaum', 'ugly', and 'anti-Semite' : ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum ugly anti-Semite Pamela Greenbaum.

That should do it.

I might even get as many hits as Dovbear or Orthomom.

I do not know.


Anonymous said...

You're # 8!!!!
You're # 8!!!!

Lab Rab said...

You made me smile. Thanks.

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