Friday, March 01, 2024


Rabbit rabbit is the customary first sentence to other people by traditionalists on the first day of the month. It's supposed to bring good luck or something. Keep the space weasels from wiping out earth. Make the Forty Niners victorious. Nuke Berkeley.

By the way: apparently I am a sickening neo-colonialist. I did not know that. I now revel in my new-found status. Kneel down and let me walk on your hands, lowly serfs, my sacred body should not touch the ground.

It was one of my more recent posts that won me this status.
Not a suprise, really.

See, when the Dutch people stumbled off the ark, we set out to rule the world and whup it into shape. Seven couples, as it says in the good book, but only one pair of Republicans. The clean versus the unclean. We're still horribly offended that there are now so many of you.
This could be me being superior and supercilious. A picture of. Feel free to print it out and worship it like an icon, especially if you are a lesser being. I shan't mind.
Offering lettuce in front of it would not be out of place.
Fresh every day please.

When I become emperor of the world, I shall turn the entire East Bay into a giant lettuce plantation and put all of you drooges to work in it, for the betterment of rabbit kind.

Rabit rabbit.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Land will need to be set aside for the Devil’s Lettuce too!

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