Wednesday, March 20, 2024


According to several influential people, as a white man I am sitting at the apex of power, and am responsible for climate change, oppression, the despoilation of natural resources in the third world, slavery and racism, as well as ready at the drop of a hat to invade other countries. Plus I caused plastics and the psycho-war vaccines.


I shall direct my minions to whip you all. Quite fiercely.
Smack the bloody bejazus out of you.

All your base are belong to us!

It probably doesn't help that the highschool to which I went prepared me perfectly for a long career in the colonial civil service, which at that point had not existed for over thirty years. That may be why I flunked Latin. It would have proven quite useless since we no longer controlled the fertile uplands where prized coffee beans were grown.
That may be why I avoid Berkeley. Too many little brown lesbian vegans running around anxious to intifada me and make bad coffee. I'm still obsessed and hurt by the loss of those fertile uplands. And the slave labour which made them run like a Christian country.

See, if it weren't for people like me (white man, not young, not 'awakened'), they could all run around getting meaningful tattoos, wearing their colourful handloomed clothing, singing happy songs, and being spiritually supportive.

I am a despicable and cruel master.

I enjoy that. Very much.

Those fertile coffee bean uplands continue to be a sore spot. I am traumatized by their loss. And desire nothing more than that you all suffer because of them. I want you to weep in the ruins of your ancient cultures and bleed precious petrochemicals and salt.
All hail Bilderburg.

Tyranny is better with bacon.

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