Wednesday, May 03, 2023


One thing which always fills me with inexpressable "good cheer" is the number of dingoes on the bus who will be catching Covid because they are not wearing masks dammit AND they're breathing. When out in public I always wear a mask. Except when I'm smoking. Which I don't do on the bus. A while back a passing Karen told me that I shouldn't be doing that, as I was a horrid example for the kiddies. Very well, send all of us smokers back inside, where we will smoke without anybody seeing us. A nice warm dry ventilated environment. It doesn't have to be luxurious or even well-appointed. We'll settle for a bare bones warehouse with a heater and folding chairs. Oh, plus rickety tables for any hot beverages we brought in as well as our printed reading matter -- probably very few of us read stuff on our cell-phones -- and we'll be perfectly happy. Quiet, too. Happy and quiet.
You won't even notice us, Karen.
Won't that be nice?

Young white people largely don't wear masks. Chinese Americans of any age frequently do. Old people are a crapshoot; some do, some don't. Whether they have clearly evident pre-existing conditions or not has little to do with it. I'm guessing that like Stan Marsh's grandfather they're trying to kill themselves. Someone's got to do it.

The burger place was not busy and very enjoyable. The beer place was jam-packed, so we went straight to the karaoke bar. Where we heard Total Eclipse Of The Heart, and 'Country Roads'. The latter to the accompaniment of an oompah band. It sounds better that way, but we would have preferred not to hear it in the first place.

The Cantonese gentlemen weren't singing. They had a game of liars' dice going on, so there was much good-natured swearing and cussing. "You're so damned annoying" (你咁衰㗎 'nei kam seui ga'), plus encouragements to get intercoursed. Followed by shots of Remy Martin.

We left before things got out of hand. Jenny would probably have her hands full with them by closing time, given how lubricated they were getting. There was much happiness.

Because of the weather it had been extraordinarily peaceful where I enjoyed my pipe earlier. Two of the street lights are on the fritz, and most kwailo were somewhere inside watching a basketball game.

It was full tilt raining when we left the karaoke bar. Which is irritating and quite extraordinary. The fire season should be starting by now, along with dire warnings not to waste water by hosing off the pavement.

Karaoke by younger white people should be strongly discouraged. It's destructive to harmony, tranquility, and public morals.

I tend to overwhelmingly disapprove of younger white people.
Even though I used to be one.

This time the book seller and I did not discuss cheese.
But it's always there, in our minds.

Blessed are the cheesemakers.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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My plan today is to get out of the house relatively early for chores and lunch, then relax with my pipe in the alleyways, avoiding the touri...