Wednesday, May 17, 2023


According to the darling of the culture warriors, Elon Musk, our city is a blasted wasteland filled with woke drug addicts and theft-besotted transgenders. More or less.

"Downtown SF looks like a zombie apocalypse. People who’ve not been there have no idea."
------Elon Musk on Twitter.

As a long-time resident I am flabbergasted. I often spend several hours out and about in the city, in my own neighborhood, which is the North East sector, mere minutes away from Tech Gulch or whatever it's called, the Financial District, and the shopping area. The downtown.

Haven't seen the zombie hordes of which he speaks.

Unless he means yuppies and tourists.

He's probably drunk.

Dumb ass.

Frankly, the more people from the dung bucket states are scared to visit San Francisco, the better it is. So in that sense Elon 'big yap' Musk spouting horrible things is good.
But that's not how he meant it.

We have less violent crime than Texas or Florida, and far more literate people.
We also wash more and drink better beer.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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