Tuesday, May 02, 2023


The Essex Wexford School District in Vermont has reduced gender to strictly biological-role based fundaments, probably to pacify the conservatives and religious nuts. They decree that the terms “boy, male, and assigned male at birth” will be replaced with “person who produces sperm.” Those formerly called “girl, female and assigned female at birth” will now be “person who produces eggs”. Good luck with that, bitches.

Pwuperms and pwupeggs. Which of course means that parents are pwupids.
There's a lot more to gender identities and roles than just sperm and ova.

It also implies that after menopause you are no longer a woman.

As you would guess, based on my age category, I am rather fond of the old-fashioned terms. Of all the people I know, two have transitioned, and they seem much happier and more likeable now. Neither is competing in sports. Except, perhaps, the sack race.
Several of my friends are gayer than a three-dollar bill.
And I'm fine with that too.

It strikes me that in the American South people are far more worried about these things than they ought to be. Probably because they have seriously demented expectations of what goes on in bathrooms. It's a strange obsession of theirs, and their kinfolk may be in legal trouble over things they've done in there. Out here in California (civilization), the only "other" thing in most bathrooms is cutting lines of coke. Which is what pick-up bar bathrooms are primarily for, I believe. No one goes to the bathroom in hopes of meeting their soul-mate.
At least I hope not. Maybe long-haul truckers do.

Do people in redneck bathrooms show each other their squidgy bits to establish their right to be there? And is the local sheriff a qualified expert on reconstructive surgery?
Sounds like a mighty queer place, the South.

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