Friday, May 05, 2023


It's probably an immutable law of bad acting that if you're playing an Eastern European you must speak loudly and angrily in a Russian accent. As well as give clear evidence of rank incompetence in some way. That's entertainment.

My apartment mate is presently watching all seasons of a nineteen seventies teevee series which features a lot of bad acting. Or Eastern Europeans. Not sure which.

"Yah, Komrad! Ve don't have ze medicin!"

I may not be a nice man (see previous essay), but I am a very tolerant and patient man. Damned near a saint in that regard. Besides, my laptop is in the same room.
So I have no choice, really.
"Vat if ve unfreeze you in zeveral zenturies, and shtill haf no cure?"

"Don't vorry, komrad, you are a premium popshicle!

This makes me glad that she isn't watching Gilligan's Island or The Love Boat.

I think she's watching it primarily for the theme music and the fashions.
The archaic loud print fabrics and zesty wide lapels.

Like wow, man!

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