Thursday, October 20, 2022


Apparently it was actually over ninety degrees yesterday, worse than I thought. That explains why I felt like crap till long into the night. During the middle of the afternoon it had taken me nearly fifteen minutes to walk two blocks, because my legs were throbbing, unmoveable.
I wish a pox on everybody who thought that was gorgeous weather.
Long after dark my legs and hands were still aching.
Any more days like that and I'm done.
Might check myself in.

It is hard to stress enough how extremely uncomfortable hot weather actually is.

And how much ill I wish on people who enjoy it.
Ruddy sadistic degenerates.
Woke up in the middle of the night to fog horns. Went outside with a pipe, short bowl.

Welcome relief.

An ambulance up the street was dealing with a medical emergency.
No haste. Not surprising. Poor bastard probably croaked.
Just remember, climate change doesn't exist.

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