Friday, November 27, 2020


Yesterday was the first time in decades that I had turkey on Thanksgiving and didn't eat alone. It was rather nice. We stubborn old codgers like company on festive days. It shows we're not entirely irredeemable. And it was entirely because of Covid, as otherwise my apartment mate would have gone over to her kinfolks, like every year, and I would have "enjoyed" an account of Chinese American dysfunctionality after she came back. Having myself, like so many Jewish Americans at Christmas, dined in Chinatown. Which is very traditional, I am given to believe.
Nothing says "festive" like Kung Pao.

A Dutch American Cantonese Thanksgiving: Turkey en croûte (in a pastry crust), creamed spinach, rice, and sambal. Plus an axe murderer on the telly.

[Made available by modern food stores, the downstairs lady's generosity, and deeveedees.]

Both my apartment mate and the lady below us are Cantonese Americans. I myself am Dutch American. The sambal was Indo, the axe murderer was Southern, as so many of them are.

[You can tell Southerners by their drawl, the grim presence of grits, and the devilled egg plate, which is something they all own. At the drop of a hat, they bring out the devilled egg plate and everyone present will eat four or five of those suckers.]

I'd probably do fine in the South. I don't mind devilled eggs at all. And I understand a vast spectrum of regional English. Yeehaw, y'alls. Oh stewardess, I speak Jive.
Oh and iced tea is more or less bearable too.

To be honest, it was the best Genocidal Calvinist Dickhead Day that I've had in ages.

I actually spent most of it zipped to the tits on tea.

Caffeine pre-empts tryptophan (a notorious an α-amino acid), which I now know is not as prevalent in turkey as commonly believed. There's more of it in codfish, spirulina, Parmesan cheese, Cheddar Cheese, and porkchops.

Plus benne and sunflower seeds.

The human body manufactures a tonne of it when forced to watch American Football. Or any sports.

Don't really know what I'll do next year when the plague is over.
Pray for a flood and earthquakes, I suppose.

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