Friday, January 22, 2016


One of my readers has taken me to task for so conspicuously mentioning "small bra and pantie ensembles", such as likely would be worn by young Polynesian lesbians, middle-aged men, or G-d forbid his little sister. Apparently I was too detailed.

I did not know that his little sister had so much in common with grumpy middle-aged men, and he should firmly get her out of his filthy mind.

Either that or send me a photo.
I'll be the judge.

"If not for liberals and their crazy sexual urges there wouldn't be babies born out of wedlock. Abstinence needs to be the law of the land."

---Allegedly said by Sarah Palin

Listen, cowboy, if it weren't for crazy sexual urges, humankind would die out, the world would be an empty place, you wouldn't have a little sister, and Bristol Palin would not have become a mommy.

And no one would have invented underwear of any type. Ever.

I shall now happily continue to contemplate the matter of small lace bra and pantie sets, because it is very comforting to have them in your head. Lord knows I haven't actually seen anything like that in very many years, other than the tasteless crap sold at Victoria's secret, or the heffalump-sized scanty things at Macy's whenever I buy my ex comfy cotton pajamas with little animals on them for Christmas.

All small women deserve comfy cotton pajamas; that's just how it is.

I have never bought ANYONE black lace bra and panties.

There's nothing crazy sexual about it, by the way.

It's purely a matter of aesthetics.

Clean and wholesome.


NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

1 comment:

What AM I wearing?!? said...

There is, in fact, far too little information here!

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