Wednesday, January 06, 2016


A friend who writes for GeekDad has penned an article about dating. No, not normal adult dating, but teenager dating. Now, before you get your Starwars boxer shorts all in a twist, it is NOT about grownups preying on the young and geeky you pervert, but advice for adult geeks who have offspring who are or soon will be at an age where they start considering seeing another person as an alternative to playing Worlds of Warcraft.

Or obsessively watching My Little Pony.
That way lies madness.

His article also has valuable points for anyone not involved in the scenarios listed. Even the non-geekish and unreproduced can learn from it.

11 Rules for When Your Geeklet Starts Dating

Both the eleven rules he posits and the comments are worth reading. The sad thing is that there was only ONE arcane geekazoid reference that I had to look up: JLA.

Which, it turns out, is Justice League of America. A series produced by DC Comics. Probably a fundamental scripture of geekdom, a veritable spew of revelation and prophecy.
By realizing that I did not know that, and have neither read it religiously nor am ever likely to hunt it down for serious study, I have damaged my self-image and am traumatized.
I feel less of a man.

On the other hand, I have read (and internalized) tonnes of comic strips and science-fiction. And once played a video-game obsessively for two years with a bunch of engineers.

Plus I'll go see the latest Starwars movie, guaranteed.

That makes me a visitor on Planet Geek.

A semi-regular tourist.

[But I must confess that I also went two thirds of the way through Lord of the Rings (Tolkien), before concluding that it was all long-winded piffle and hobbity balderdash.
I'm not sure if that's a rejection of Geekery, or just heresy.]

If you have a teenager, OR yourself are considering regularly associating with a member of the gender that feels appropriate for you, go read
11 Rules for When Your Geeklet Starts Dating.

Feel free to cross genders, be hesitant about transcending age.

My contributions there to the comment string:

"Only date someone with whom you can be friends, and value them for what they are. And NEVER disrespect their teddy bear. They’ve known the teddy bear longer than you."


"Never insist that they like the same manga or anime, never proselytize for your favourite manga or anime, and, realistically, don’t ask that they act or dress like any character in your favourite manga or anime. If anything, they are their own manga or anime in the process of being written."

Upon reflection, what that means is that you should only date a person who has a teddy bear or equivalent small fuzzy familiar (at least one), and stay away from cross-dressers or cosplayers.

Justice League of America. Seriously?

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

1 comment:

e-kvetcher said...

>>Plus I'll go see the latest Starwars movie, guaranteed.

See this instead!

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