Tuesday, January 12, 2016


A commercial by a company seriously committed to the sale, purchase, and delighted consumption of animal protein, has managed to upset a shockingly high number of people down under.

Australian vegans are offended by an 'action movie-style advertisement campaign to promote Australian lamb', produced recently by Meat & Livestock Australia.

Angry complaints have been registered.

"In one scene, a SWAT team smashes into the home of a man in New York saying "C'mon mate, in a few hours you'll be eating lamb on the beach", to which the the bearded man responds: "But I'm a vegan now...".
The ad later cuts to a shot of a flamethrower-wielding SWAT officer burning a bowl of tofu on the vegan's table."

[SOURCE: Aussie Vegans upset -- BBC.]

Frankly, I think that's pretty goldarn funny.

Perhaps the Vegans should just suck it up.

Tofu drenched in Vegemite sounds like it should be incinerated, and the world is too full of self-obsessed food-neurotics to take any of them, or what they eat, seriously.


To quote the words of a Cantonese American mother confronted by her daughter's vegetarian white boyfriend, "just eat around the meat". What she probably thought, but regrettably didn't voice, was "silly bugger, the world does not revolve around your requirements, stop being such a drippy pain-in-the-neck, you pretentious dingo, dammit".

She should've said it too.

People who obsess more about animals than the injustices visited upon their fellow humans need to re-align their heads and check their privilege.
At the very least they need to take their heads out of their rectums, and pay far less attention to their colonic karma.

Lamb, by the way, is one of my favourite meats. Along with pork, duck, and a well-marbled cut of beef. Or juicy sausages. I like lamb.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


e-kvetcher said...

Try this one!

The back of the hill said...

That gets my wholehearted seal of approval.

The back of the hill said...

I would welcome that on the vegetarian platter.

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