Friday, January 01, 2016


The most egregious codswallop delivered by an intellectual in recent years was the sentence "the idea that in a free society absolutely everything should be open to debate has a detrimental effect on marginalised groups".
To which the appropriate response is "where's the bloody trigger warning? As a liberal with intellectual pretensions, I feel personally threatened and made uncomfortable by crap like that. Why the F is that crazy feminist b*tch trying to tell me what is and isn't right?"

[The context was a debate about abortion between Timothy Stanley and Brendan O'Neil at Oxford which was cancelled after threats from various interested parties. ]

This offensive assault on free speech is part of an opinion piece by Niam McIntyre, whom I have never met, but whose man-hating ideas I would like to see banned or silenced.

"The idea that in a free society absolutely everything should be open to debate has a detrimental effect on marginalised groups"

Only a culture jihadi could come up with dangerous nonsense like that. Niam McIntyre should come with a trigger warning, as should her like-minded associates. People like her make normal members of society extremely uncomfortable.

The Independent, Britain's foremost lefty tabloid, describes her as a second-year English student at Oxford University, and a writer interested in feminism and social justice.

I likewise am interested in feminism and social justice. Intolerant harpies such as Ms. McIntyre are a plague. My interest is consequently self-defensive, because people like her would gladly commit atrocities worse than Stalin and Pol Pot in service of their warped agendas.

There is no place in civilized society for her ilk.

Feel free to discuss.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Anonymous said...

You are either a loony, or a brilliant comedian.

The back of the hill said...


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, Uncle ATBOTH, this is the consequence of unhinging from absolutes in moral values.
I find it interesting, you identify as liberal. You seem very conservative to me, except on some social issues.

Anonymous said...

Rush Limbaugh, in a monologue, one time was commenting on some feminist activist, who said she had a vagina and knew how to use it to get what she wanted. He replied I have a brain and a penis, and only need to use half of either one.

Anonymous said...

British Muslims, at one point, were demanding that The Satanic Verses be banned, and that its author be punished. A number of activists of impeccable social consciousness agreed.

The back of the hill said...

In a free society, absolutely everything should be open to debate, no exceptions.

Can't get more liberal than that.
Opposition to that leads to county clerks in Kentucky taking the law into their own hands, and Texans imposing their restrictive views on everybody else.

Besides which, one might want to read between the lines of my post ......

Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm waving my uterus at you!

Anonymous said...

You really are a piece of shit you know.

Anonymous said...

How sad that abortion wasn't available when your mother was pregnant with you, you misogynistic dikwad.

Anonymous said...

What is the best month of the year to smoke a pack of Japanese cigarettes? I know lots of drinking songs (which praise drinking wine or beer in the spring, or in the autumn, or in the summer, or in the winter), but I don't know enough smoking songs. Do you know any good ones?

The back of the hill said...

To everyone who objected to the language or the tone of the post: please direct your ire to the activists who shut down the debate in the first place, by worse language, and by a sufficient level of threats that there was no choice but to call it off.

To the last commenter: what?

Anonymous of 6:04 PM said...

What what? You know about drinking songs, which praise, say, May, or July, as a great time to drink wine? So, aren't there any good songs that praise specific months that are best for a good smoke, say of Japanese cigarettes? It would be useful information.

The back of the hill said...

That's insane.

Anonymous of 6:04 PM said...

I don't understand what's insane about it. Why shouldn't there be smoking songs, just as there are drinking songs?

The back of the hill said...

Find one.

I've got a great big giant clitoris! said...

What the blistering fuck do Japanese cigarettes have to with feminists, abortion, uteruses, censorship, or debates about any of this?!?

Jap cig dude, piss off, you're daft.

Cocaine Bob said...

Hmm. Well, smoking causes birth defects and can lead to miscarriages, so maybe Japanese cigarettes are a type of home-kit abortion? Just a thought.

The back of the hill said...

Home abortion kits are likely to become more popular. Unfortunately.

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