Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Dear Republicans, I would like you to read an article on Media Matters:
The Final Year Of Obama Derangement Syndrome Is Gonna Be A Doozy. It is about you.

"It didn't take long for conservative commentators to start hurling childish insults at their television sets last night during President Obama's State of the Union address."

"We're not talking about anonymous online commenters, or a group chat of College Republicans. We're talking about people who are supposed to be leading lights within the conservative movement. But it turns out they're immune to intellectual pursuit."

"What's amazing to watch is that their parallel-universe view of Obama has only intensified over the years. You'd think the white-hot anger might subside over time, especially when it became clear Obama governed as a traditional, center-left Democrat, not as some sort of Marxist radical."

That is to say, I would like you to read it. But you have shown by your spew these past several years that that is something of which you are incapable.
What so many of you have said for over a decade about so many matters proves that you deserve to be clubbed to death like harp seals. All of you Republicans, like your candidates in this election, are repulsive.
History will judge you harshly.
You have no shame.

Stuff your chutzpah.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Oom Rijkaard said...

Have you hard of the Koren Siddur? Did you know that it's called thus because it's in Kore(a)n?

I bet you didn't KNOW that, you BIG platypuss.

Boys will be boys said...

See this: Don’t be fooled: 10 Republican red states that mooch off the rest of us includes Nikki Haley’s South Carolina

Cite: "Mississippi is one of the most Republican states in the U.S.: Republicans dominate the state government, and not since Jimmy Carter’s victory in 1976 has a Democrat carried Mississippi in a presidential race. “Fiscal responsibility” is a recurring theme in Mississippi politics, where Democrats are often characterized as people who couldn’t balance a budget if their lives depended on it. Yet the reality is that Mississippi is one of the most blatant examples of a state receiving more federal tax money than it gives: WalletHub finds that for every dollar in federal taxes Mississippi pays, it receives $3.07 from the federal government. A 2007 report from the Tax Foundation found that Mississippi was receiving $2.47 from the federal government for every dollar it was paying in.

The fact that Mississippi has a hard time making ends meet without help from Washington, DC stems from being a so-called “right to work” state, meaning it has a very low rate of unionization and plenty of low-wage jobs. Mississippi is one of the poorest states in the country, and Republican policies in that state—hostility to unions, opposition to raising the minimum wage at either the federal or state level, tax breaks for the wealthiest 1% of Americans—will likely keep Mississippi from being a substantial contributor to federal income taxes.

Read the entire article. That's your money.

Screw the Repubes.

Anonymous said...

Try this

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