Wednesday, December 09, 2015


Sometimes there is wisdom in stepping aside. Not moral or legal rightness, just wisdom. Suppose, for instance, that the heavy metal couple two doors up are attacking each other with electric guitars while naked in the middle of the street late at night. It might be morally correct to intercede on behalf of the smaller weaker one (him), who really does appear to be getting the worst of it -- he's bleeding badly from several headwounds, and is losing the battle as well as several teeth -- but common sense should tell you that getting in between the two mad people is not a good idea.

It's a domestic quarrel between a behemoth and a shrimp.

They listen to Slayer, for craps sake!
Just step aside, and let 'em fight.
Slayer! Good lord almighty!

Besides, she's the original five hundred pound Samoan werewolf, AND she's got a spiked chain coming out of her rectum.

Two weeks ago, Turkey shot down a Russian plane on behalf of their kinfolks and proxies the Turkmen militia in Syria. Then the Turkmen killed one of the Russian pilots.

It was predictable that that entire set of actions would upset Russia.

It was, in fact, entirely predictable that while showing their hairy balls admirably, possibly well within their rights because the Russian plane had briefly violated Turkish airspace, and even the epitome of manliness, the action and its end result would not be good.

Obviously Russia is not going to militarily attack Turkey.

But exterminating those uppity Turkmen is "do-able".

The past two weeks have been an experience.

For the militant Turkmen in Syria.

Who soon may not exist.

Clearly, Russia is the original five hundred pound Samoan werewolf, and someone yanked her spiked chain.

Turkey, in this analogy, is a shrimp of a man with a dislocated jaw. Or maybe it's their proxy, the Turkmeni militia, but my point is that shooting down a Russian plane wasn't a sensible thing to do, and Putin is making sure that the silly Turkic types will remember to think first.

Per the BBC, Turkey's prime minister has accused Russia of attempting "ethnic cleansing" with its air strikes in northern Syria.

I don't think that's an "attempt"; it looks real.

And it was completely predictable.

Don't touch that chain.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


e-kvetcher said...

Where's is Suvorov these days!!!

So sad...

The back of the hill said...

Fabric is a dirty Western bourgeois conspiracy, comrade.

Just like cheese.

Anonymous said...

Everyone should go naked.

Just like cheese.

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