Sunday, December 20, 2015


Forgot to bring my pipetobacco, as well as an umbrella. No, I didn't bother checking the weather report beforehand, but I have since corrected that mistake. Tomorrow will again be cats and dogs. Wet. Miserably so.
And, as per schedule, I shall be in Marin.
No, I do not like Marin particularly.
People are uber-entitled there.


Today would have been a perfect day to swan around a warm but deserted apartment in the nude. Whether the apartment belongs to an independent-minded auntie who left town for the holidays, OR is the family residence and everyone drove to a giant shopping mall in the East Bay is beside the point. Alone, fresh out of the shower, high pert breasts and rosy nipples glowing in the light from a reading lamp, while reading Marcel Proust, or dreaming of a zesty middle-aged daemon lover. Tomorrow will be perfect for that also.
There are delightful roundnesses. Fresh and innocently alluring.
The curve of the stomach looks velvety and elegant.
The toes are adorable and twiddly.
Charming knees.

Perfect, except for the fact that as a man I cannot do that, nor would it even be possible on my next day off (Tuesday). Not only because my apartment is an unholy mess, even when my apartment mate is at work and I shan't have to worry about being disturbed, but primarily due to an inescapable fact of biology: though men do swan naked, the vast majority of them thankfully do NOT possess high pert breasts.
Nor velvety adorableness of any kind.
We are a rather angular lot.
I am no different.


So no, I did not read Proust today. Nor will I likely do so on my days off. Day-dreaming of succubi or incubi -- any version of Dr. Frankfurter in The Rocky Horror Picture Show -- is not a process that I habitually pursue.
Yes, I do have prurient thoughts, but no, I shan't share the details.
Whichever gender you are you can already imagine them.

[You could ask privately if you are truly dying of curiosity. In which case, I might just string you along for a while if I doubt the advisability of divulging any details. It depends on you.
Suffice to say that I have a deliciously filthy mind.]

Instead, I spent most of the day listening to cigar-smoking wankers inanely yattering in front of the television, or occasionally screaming their damned fool heads off. Roughly equal amounts of both.

There were no warm comforting cups of milk-tea.
No pillows, and no fluffy throw-rug.
No volumes of Proust.

In all honesty, I would not mind being nude. Provided I were indoors during rainy weather. In a reasonably non-public place or capacity.
And I might not read Proust at those times.
Just so you know.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


20 Year Old Cantonese Girl said...

Dream of me again, and I'll clock you one. You pervert.

Nice blog, by the way. I don't know why you think I don't read it.

The back of the hill said...

"Dream of me again, and I'll clock you one."

You'll have to catch me first.

"You pervert.<"

Moi?!!??? I am completely innocent!

"Nice blog, by the way. I don't know why you think I don't read it."

Um, perhaps because this is the first evidence that you do?

Anyway, I am now sure to dream of you.

Standing at the stove wearing pajamas and an apron, frying up some bacon on a cold winter morning ..... while the rain storm blusters outside, and shakes the window panes. There's a pot of coffee nearby; it smells alluring.

Your sleep-addled eyes are not awake yet, your hair is tousled, and the pussycat is rubbing up against your calves.

Langorously you reach down and pet the beast.

Do you always leave the top button undone?

Anonymeaux said...

What next, Liza Minnelli?!

I am the real perv here said...

Good god, NO buggery Liza Minnelli! Instead, how about Cantonese girls in a representative span from 18 to 60 years old?

And if photos are provided, please make sure that they are pictured with food. That's got to be possible, seeing as all Cantonese people take pictures of food.

Food, and women with chopsticks. Nothing beats that.

Especially not Liza Minnelli.

Anonymous said...

What next, Liza Minnelli?!

Isn't she married to Vincent Minnelli or Joel Grey or something?

Keepin' me kilt down said...

Now if ya had only mentioned the apron, all of us would have been dreeaming of her.

The back of the hill said...

Twenty-year old Cantonese girls wearing ONLY aprons? Looks like some Scotsman has been playing waaaay too many echi video games.

This is a clean family blog. At the very least, clean underwear.

If which you may feel free to dream.

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