Wednesday, December 30, 2015


I thought it was supposed to be clear and sunny today. Yet, when I look out of the window, it seems all gloom and foreboding. It does not help that I am slightly hearing impaired; I can hear wet sounds even when there aren't any.

The rainy season is scarcely a month old and already this weather irritates me. It is sad when the warmest part of my body is my arse, buggery sad.
Yet if I stay out too long the warmest part is the burning fevered stretch of right leg from mid-thigh to mid calf. About a year ago I twisted around in my sleep and wrenched something, and while the entire leg felt viciously rebellious for several months, mostly it has healed.
Still. Cold weather. The worst in me.
Oh my buggery leg.

When I'm not working I spend far too much time outdoors.

Being outside is vastly over-rated.

Things I hate: anti-vaccination morons, the anti-gmo crowd, yoga for white people, exercise clubs, vegans, religious types, right-wingers, conspiracy theorists, stupid tourists, spoiled brats, airheads, people who squeal with emotion, the organic food industry, artistic types, pretentious Beat poseurs, people who post unsubstantiated shit, non-readers, football, football fans, sports teevee, anyone who asserts that they have a food-allergy when they really don't, bars that cater to mid-twenties consumerites, pink on grown-up women, poetry about flowers or babies, uber-sensitive souls, the suburbs, four-frou coffee drinks, meaningful shit, the real housewives, marijuana, new age crap, kale, and several important modern literary figures.

Things I like: raccoons, dogs, crows, and rodents.
Pipes and tobacco, tea, and snacks.
Stuffed animals.

I honestly would not mind the outdoors if it were summer in Holland during a downpour. Fresh green growing stuff, a warmish breeze, and a copse of leafy trees. No nearby cows, nor humans.
Cup of coffee, under a deep awning.

With a favourite person.
Or a dry cheroot.
Or a pipe.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
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