Tuesday, October 13, 2015


As it turns out, social media won't let me forget that it's my birthday today. Despite the fact that the older an adult becomes, the more any annual count increase should be ignored.

From the very moment I opened my computer, there were reminders.
"Greetings, carbon-based. Inexorable ticking, yay! Enjoy your creaky celebration! We've told everyone you know, we applaud oldness, your operating system is outdated!"

Which, of course, proves that Facebook and Google are staffed wholly by bright young things who do not expect anyone over thirty to use social media. We're still using typewriters or something.

I actually still have a typewriter.
It's UNDERNEATH the computer desk.
Which has two dinosaurs from the nineties on top.

The computer I am presently using is a fold-up jobbie ("laptop", I think they're called) from a few years ago that has way more oomph than any of the other electronic doohickeys in this household. Faster, too.
Actually sits on my lap, without leaving wheals or bruises.

I also have a box-like computizing object from the late eighties, which I only keep because it's a dynamite paperweight, and will make a great conversation piece if I ever invite someone over.

And a 40 meg external storage device.

[Yes, I also still have slide-rules AND drafting equipment, and I know how to use them.]

At this advanced age (over thirty), I would rather not be reminded of my advanced age; I never thought that I would hit over thirty.

I can still remember the troops marching through Paris, as seen on teevee. It was shortly after Moses landed the Ark.

"Oh yeah. The important thing was I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones... "

I will NOT tell you how old I am becoming.
You have no need to know that.
It's over thirty.


Anyhow, tonnes of folks are wishing me happy hip hips and all the rest of that hoohah, and sad to say not a single one of them is a cute round-headed twenty-nine-year-old with a degree in something abstruse and sexy. So it's a very good thing that it's on Facebook, instead of real-life.
I do not want to be smooched by any of my Facebook friends.
Sorry guys, no offense.

Now, where's the cute (female) graduate student with an abiding fascination for abstruse crap? I was told, guaranteed even, that there would be at least one of those if I remained patient, and I should hold out for someone exactly like that.

"Save yourself for the lively scholarette!"

See, she's probably thrilled by fossils.

And I am just the thing.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


e-kvetcher said...

It's a Russian custom to pull the ears of the birthday boy the number of times corresponding to his age, plus one.


The back of the hill said...

This birthday boy is not sitting still for that.

What are Russian customs regarding moving targets?

Anonymous said...

Grumble, grumble, grumble.

Here is a lovely young lady (AND CLEAN) singing a b-day song just for you.



The back of the hill said...

Too clean! I've reached the age when I little sleaziness is okay...

But thank you. That was charming.

e-kvetcher said...

>> Here is a lovely young lady (AND CLEAN)

"When the phone rang, it was answered by Mrs. Lee, whose round cherubic face broke into a wide smile as she nodded her head rapidly.

“Epileptic whore hava yes,” she assured the party on the other end of the phone. “Velly clean, school teacher.”

Mrs. Lee described all her girls as “velly clean.” Beyond that, they were divided into three subcategories: movie ac­tresses, cherry girls and school teachers. A girl’s status varied with Mrs. Lee’s usually shrewd estimate of the customer’s needs."


The back of the hill said...


A fondly remembered book, and a fondly remembered mental image.

Anonymous said...

"Too clean"? "A little sleaziness is OK"?

For that, you get to watch the antics of an young teenager, including a brief scene of her in bed!

And she will teach you Dutch!



The back of the hill said...

That had a certain charm. Especially the smoking bits.

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