Wednesday, November 27, 2013


When Xiao Wang competed on 'Holland's got talent', host Gordon Heuckeroth proved that he was rather unreconstructed, and would've been right at home in parts of the Deep South during the sixties.

Or the ignorant parts of the Bay Area. Like Oakland. He would be right at home in Oakland. Not all of Oakland, but much of it.
The parts near that stadium.




Are the Dutch racists? Well, no. Their disdain is not colour-conscious, they sneer at all races and national origins equally except their own. But they do frame their dislike and praeconceptions in terms that relate very precisely to the victims of their unpleasantness.
It's a peculiar talent of theirs.

Which is something that as a vuile rot-jenk ("filthy rotten Yank") was a daily experience when I lived there (1962 - 1978). There are many strident and stubborn people in the Netherlands who utterly despise Americans (among many others equally regarded), and will happily express that in the most clear and unmistakable terms, even if not asked, and entirely without prompting.
Often disagreements would end with the native person stating that as an American I should shut up, didn't deserve to have an opinion, didn't belong in the civilized world in any case, and should go back where I came from.

Which, eventually, I did.

I stress that not all Dutch are venomous bigots. The truly repulsive ones are a small minority. But casual bigotry, coupled with xenophobia and a bitchy superior attitude is much more common over there than here. Especially among the imperfectly educated.


The Dutch are not known for being diplomatic, tending more toward shocking bluntness. As well as a stubborn defensiveness for that characteristic, ("want dat moet toch kunnen") because one should be able to say what one thinks, irrespective of how insulting, crude, meanspirited, and just downright gallingly dumbass ignorant and wrong it is.

Even when their mind is poisonous, the Dutch tend to speak their mind.

Which is why I encourage you to do the same. By signing this petition.

RTL: Apologize for Gordon Heuckeroth's racist remarks at Chinese singer Xiao Wang

Also feel free to leave a cogent comment there, but try to be polite. Remember, not all Dutch are blistering holes. Many of them are actually rather nice people. Even the ones who live in the United States and Canada, and consider themselves American. Who are, at times, embarrassed by what their distant kin say or do.

By the way, what kind of name is Heuckeroth anyway? That doesn't look like a proper Dutch name, and certainly none of my relatives have stupid appellations like that! It's probably some damned foreigner who crossed the border from Germany and has been denying the nasty past of his relatives ever since. A kraut carpetbagger, or even worse.


NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


resignedly amphibious said...

These judges have been leading very sheltered lives.

Anonymous said...

Do the Dutch hate Chinese?


We hate Turks, Moroccans, and Americans far more!


"Nederlanders vinden Turken, Marokkanen en Amerikanen in toenemende mate onvriendelijke volkeren."

"5,5 Procent van de ondervraagden vindt Amerikanen het minst vriendelijk"

Coz you suck.

The back of the hill said...

My dear Dutch blister at 9:41 AM,

Het kan me in feite geen moer schelen wie of wat de Nederlanders het meest haten.

Er zijn 17 miljoen van jullie.
Meer dan 300 miljoen van ons.

Bijna achttien keer zoveel Amerikanen als Nederlanders.
Als ik jou was, zou ik me daar zorgen over maken. De invloed van de Verenigde Staten op Nederland en de wereld is vele malen groter dan wat voor invloed de Nederlanden op ons, of op de rest van de wereld, hebben.
Gijlui zijn maar klein.

En vaak sukken julie ook ontzettend.

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