Sunday, September 16, 2012


My beauty sleep was brutally disrupted by loud cackles from the teevee room.  It turns out my roommate had woken up early to watch Seahawk, an Errol Flynn movie. 
There is a shipload of derring-do in the flic.

The English and Spaniards get it on at sea.
Nobody likes the Spanish.

Not only the English contested oceanic trade and conquest with them, also the Dutch, nay even the entire civilized world.
Oh wait, that's just the English and the Dutch.
Nobody likes the Spanish.

But EVERYBODY likes sailors!

Hearing the phrase "sailors, I like sailors" hollered out early in the morning is a novel and disturbing way to wake up.  It made me briefly think that I had been dragged into a bagnio or low dive, and was somehow witness to unimaginable perversion.
Many voices, highly emotional.
Scenes of violence and discord.
Gunfire. Loose cannons.
English gallantry.

And the cheerful "sailors, I like sailors", followed by happy hooting.


Do you now?  How...   interesting.

I never knew that about you.

Very San Franciscan.

There's a monkey on the ship who also likes sailors. 
So does the captain. As likwise his officers.
And sundry men with fruity moustaches.
Plus manly queen Elizabeth.

I do not like sailors. 

Not early in the morning.

Not with loudness.

Or soundtrack.

ONLY exception:  giddy girls in sailor costumes.

Especially if they also wear fishnet stockings.

Which would be thematically appropriate.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have been sorely tried by your roommate's preferences.
Does he entertain much?

Anonymous said...

Let me guess...... you live with a big flamboyant San Francisco drag queen?

Watch out for lipstick smears on your towels, and open bottles of nail polish. You'll never be able to explain those to a lady visitor.

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