Wednesday, September 19, 2012


This blogger appreciates change.
Nothing else keeps the mind quite as flexible.
In addition to prompting insanity.
And disquieting behaviours.

Not for me, of course. My mind is exceptionally strong and resilient, and not at all likely to veer off the deep end.
The problems are with everyone else.


People in my office are running around losing their tempers and their marbles, as part of the planned grand move to an industrial parking lot in the suburbs which is happening even as we speak.
Remarkably sensible of them. This way they won't have to pack up either the marbles or the tempers.
Those things are fairly useless anyhow, best to let the clean-up crew throw them into the recycling bins.
If they're really necessary, you should buy new ones at Office Depot.
Maybe you're ready for an upgrade?

I finished packing up the credit files and my desk yesterday morning. Since then I have happily sneered at a refund request, drunk lots of coffee, loaded up several huge bins with office supplies, thrown out tons of stuff from other cubicles, and helped load-up the CFO's behemoth vehicle. Twice.

I also enjoyed a delicious pain au chocolat.

The Accounts Payable folks, on the other hand, didn't start packing up till after lunch today. And as of this writing, they are wailing and shrieking.
The AP Supervisor is playing with a Superman Figure, whirling it over his head and humming to himself.
His nickname is 'Whizzle'.
He's in control.

A lead member of the Operations Team ran past with a gun.
Don't worry, it only shoots rubber darts.
But there have been howls.


And, speaking of change, the nearest tobacco merchant finally lost their long acrimonious fight with their landlord, and is closing down forever.
After 163 years in business.

The Financial District will not be the same.

As one of the cigar smokers at the wall put it:

"There is another upside to this reckoning. It is the silver haired lining in this smoldering, vacated tobacco cloud. GC is elated. Like a great weight has been lifted. Like he finally found the lithium his doctor prescribed months ago.
I'm betting that he is skipping down the sidewalk pausing only to line dance through the steeplechase of sandwich boards that litter Market Street."

Things change. Change is good.

Shan't be at the wall smoking a pipe with the boys more than once a week at best now.  And without a decent tobacconist within walking distance, the group will likely wither. 
The only thing that will keep us together will be e-mails from Agent L.T.
One or two densely informative feuilletons each week. 
Every one of which has mentioned chickens. 

---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---

In addition to the laptop, I've been given a cellphone for those days when I'm working from a coffeeshop with mood music and a Wi-Fi hotspot.
So that I can call in.
Or something.

This is all surprisingly new.
I've never used a cellphone before.
Gonna miss the velum and carrier pigeons.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

1 comment:

Saint said...

Packing up the credit files? You would not happen to be a credit manager? If so I going on 27 years of being one.

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My plan today is to get out of the house relatively early for chores and lunch, then relax with my pipe in the alleyways, avoiding the touri...