Tuesday, September 04, 2012


The auntie was well-meaning, I suppose, but I could sense that the young lady was resistant. As she naturally would be. Older relatives do not always accept that differences of opinion are valid, or that the younger generation may have a legitimate reason for dissent.
Or, for that matter, that language isolation may insulate one from the full comprehension needed to actually give worthwhile advice.

They were at the next table over in the noodle shop. Auntie spoke Cantonese only, and seemed like a very nice person. She was trying to convince the girl of a point of view which clearly accorded with something that her mom and dad had said. Food is always a good tool of diplomacy, and it was working insofar as it made the young lady amenable to listening.
Wise Auntie. Just mostly monolingual.

Whenever the younger person responded, it was largely in English.
I doubt that either side was convinced of anything.
But at least they had a good meal together.
For which, naturally, Auntie paid.


Traditional attitudes are excellent, but they only go so far. This is the United States, and the young lady is obviously dealing with college, and is far more American than you can fully imagine.
Her life has an absurdity that you cannot grasp.
As well as objectives which are her own.

Different advice is required.


You can have it all, or most of it.
It's a question of making time for both approaches.
Being fulfilled will make you a better person and let you contribute more.
Do not neglect your own needs.
Feed your curiosity.
Be resilient.

Try to maintain your operational independence.
Strength and intellectual vigour.
Do not accept limitations.

Eat more noodles.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


e-kvetcher said...

Thought you might enjoy this

The back of the hill said...

Good one. But it's still wrong.... in the context of that correction, the reading order of the text is left to right.

What it says, if read left to right, is "dian fan xian hai guo zhong" - shop rice fresh-saveur sea country central".

Should be thus: 中國海鮮飯店

I'm fairly certain no one was inconvenienced either way.

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