Tuesday, March 08, 2011


Hard to figure out what to think right now.

Don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat...

Recently she and her boyfriend have been experiencing severe friction.
The situation between them isn't going well.

...don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat...

I won't go into the whys and wherefores of their issues, as that is a private matter. But of course I'm taking her side. I can't help it.
Even though our relationship is over, I nevertheless want that woman to be happy.

...don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat...

So I shan't gloat about this turn of events. She's not a happy camper right now, and it would not be the gentlemanly thing to do.

...don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat...

I could've predicted that this would happen. I've never understood why she ended our relationship, but at this point I recognize the process. And I know what bugs her.

I'm still feeling burnt from how she broke up with me, what she said at that time, and the brutal finality of the cut.

So if her thing with him ends, there will be no attempt to pick up where we left off.

...don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat...

I'm not waiting in the wings.
I have too much pride and self-respect, and I have moved on.
It was wonderful while it lasted - but I was not able to read the writing on the wall, and it's completely over now. It has been over for quite a while.
The past cannot be recaptured.
When things end, they end.

...don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat, don't gloat...

So I am absolutely NOT going to gloat. Not a smile will crack my face. I'll be gentle and supportive, because that's what friends do. She's very dear to me after all these years, and I want to continue knowing her. Gloating isn't right, and would be quite destructive.
I'm attempting to be a decent person about all this.

Gotta keep trying.

I shall not gloat.

Besides, I'm way too tired to gloat anyhow.
She woke up at four this morning, and consequently I woke up shortly thereafter.
Had my morning coffee before it was even light out.
I'm in no condition to gloat.

Betcha the poor girl will be absolutely exhausted by this evening.
I should probably get her some soup.
After she's fallen asleep I will smoke in the teevee room.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Anonymous said...

It seems to be time to "trade up", eh? Maybe a startlingly beautiful, empty headed 23 year old rebound party girlfriend for a few weeks? It will catch Savage Kittens attention, betcha betcha.

The back of the hill said...

I don’t get along with empty-headed people, and I don’t go for temporary flings.
Even if they are “startlingly beautiful” – and how can they be ‘startlingly beautiful if there’s nothing up there? The dull glaze of stupidity in the eyes so diminishes all other characteristics that someone like that becomes quite unattractive.

Catching Savage Kitten’s attention is easy – all I have to do is light my pipe while she’s awake.

The back of the hill said...

On the other hand, a charming and intelligent 23 year old who enjoys my company sounds quite the ticket.

But where to find such a creature?

Especially one with a sense of humour – she’d need that.

Anonymous said...

Like those tipsy Sf State girls at the Folsom Stet Fair? Or perhaps a chain smoking tattooed party girl from Daly City?Recall the Mabuhay Hardens?

Tzipporah said...

Yes, but what if the next one has working legs?

The back of the hill said...

Like those tipsy Sf State girls at the Folsom Stet Fair? Or perhaps a chain smoking tattooed party girl from Daly City?Recall the Mabuhay Hardens?

Tipsy girls at the Folsom street fair are not my type. I probably would not want to know whose type they are.

I absolutely hate tattoos.
Anyone who gets themselves marked up like that is ab initio to be avoided. Tattoos, piercings, keffiyot are all marks of shallowness and self-indulgence. Punkt.

The back of the hill said...

Yes, but what if the next one has working legs?

We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Fortunately, she's got a great sense of decency, tactfulness, and privacy that will go a great way towards preventing awkward situations.
A sense of 'face', shall we say.

Anonymous said...

That's why G-d made liquor and light switches! You'll forget the tatoos...till they ask you about them at the Free Clinic.

Anonymous said...

That's why G-d made liquor and light switches! You'll forget the tatoos...till they ask you about them at the Free Clinic.

Anonymous said...

That's why G-d made liquor and light switches! You'll forget the tatoos...till they ask you about them at the Free Clinic.

The back of the hill said...

A message so good you had to sent it thrice?

Drunken sex is something fratboys engage in, as well as slutty heifers who esteem themselves too highly.
Also ugly illiterates from the avenues who didn't go to Lowell.

Hell will freeze over several times before I bring some drunken chance-met floozy home.

Lightswitches? If the light needs to be turned off because one person can't stand the sight of the other person, perhaps there's something wrong?

And in this day and age, if you need to go to the free clinic, you might very well have caught something that no amount of pennicilin can cure.

Hate to tell you this, but typhoid Mary isn't on my list of potential dates.
I will never be so desperate.

I am not a frat-boy.

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