Thursday, March 04, 2010


Election results in the Netherlands are a cause for joy. No, not the results for Geert Wilders' party (PVV), which many Americans seem to favour. But the results for the Socialist Party (SP).

[Geert Wilders is actually a mere blip on the Dutch political scene, not nearly as significant as many non-Dutch think.]


If parliamentary elections were held today, the socialists would loose more than half of their seats, going from one sixth of the parliament to less than ten percent. This per polls conducted in connection with recent municipal elections.

Given that the leaders of the Dutch socialists are evil people who in a just world would be lined up and shot, this is a good thing.

[Leaders of the SP include Agnes Kant (a severe German-born intellectual), Harry van Bommel (a sexual pig known as the 'billenknijper' - the buttock pincher), Jan Marijnsen (a weepy neurotic), Ewout Irgang (aka "loverboy", a particularly treacherous individual), Ronald van Raak (an unimaginative red intellectual of kommisar-type), and of course Anja Meulenbelt...... a rabid and hate-filled anti-Semite married to an Arab medical man - no, NOT Mahmoud az-Zahar, but that's a really good guess. Stuk voor stuk KENML schorem en mede-conspiranten.]


A more venomous and repulsive lot than the European socialists, the Dutch in particular, would be hard to find. These are the people who applauded the excesses of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China (several million dead), the Cambodian Genocide (millions killed for proper socialist reasons, by reasonably proper socialists), every brutal repression in the communist world, every 'red' war.......
These loathsome Marxists have always backed left-wing atrocities. They still do.
As long as the crime can be explained as a revolutionary act, especially against the United States or Israel, it is golden in their book, no matter how pointless and bloodthirsty.

I can only hope that the SP continues to slide. The Dutch may, in the fullness of time, redeem themselves. Their parliamentary elections are scheduled for June 9th.
With luck the terror-supporting SP will no longer be in the government afterwards.

I do not worry about the 'creeping Islamicization' of Europe, I worry about vile ideologies among the Europeans.
Fortunately Kant and her clique of opportunist scum seem to be self-destructing.
There is still hope.


Judge Roy Bean said...

Once it is finally revolution, the following will be hunted down like animals:

Jan Marijnissen
Agnes Kant
Anja Meulenbelt
Arda Gerkens
Arjan Vliegenthart
Arthur Elzinga
Emile Roemer
Eric Smaling
Ewout Irrgang
Farshad Bashir
Fons Luijben
Geert Reuten
Hans van Leeuwen
Harry van Bommel
Henk van Gerven
Hugo Polderman
Jan de Wit
Jasper van Dijk
Kees Slager
Marianne Langkamp
Nanneke Quik-Schuijt
Nathalie de Rooij
Paul Lempens
Paul Peters
Paul Ulenbelt
Paulus Jansen
Remi Poppe
Renske Leijten
Ron Abel
Ronald van Raak
Rosita van Gijlswijk
Sadet Karabulut
Sharon Gesthuizen
Sineke ten Horn
Tineke Slagter-Roukema
Tiny Kox

Either a fari trail and then hanged, or shot while on the run.

The back of the hill said...

Interesting plan, comrade.

That would mean that Farshad Bashir would finally have the fate his apparatchik family avoided when the fled Kabul after the communists lost against the Afghani freedom fighters.
Justice delayed, but not eternally denied.

I, for one, would welcome that.
All members of the list are party functionaries, yes?

The back of the hill said...

I recall that the forerunner of the 'Socialistiese Partij' was the KPNML, which split off from the more Maoist and more doctrinaire KENML in the seventies.

Some dispute over the role that educated people could play in the coming revolution. The splitters had no use for intellectuals (much like the Khmer Rouge).

[KPNML: 'Kommunistiese Partij Nederland, Marxisten-Leninisten'.
KENML: 'Kommunistiese Eenheid Nederland, Marxisten-Leninisten'. Both were hard-core supporters of Communist terror regimes.]

Both sides recombined eventually in the Socialistiese Partij, which later rebranded itself as Euro-communists, and changed the name to something less doofus: Socialistische Partij.

When did these saboteurs and thugs finally drop 'Kommunisties' from their platform?

The back of the hill said...

And are they still covertly hand-in-glove with the more radical groupings, as they were when both Moscow and Peking were doling out funds for the European reds?

Or do they have a different marriage of convenience now?

Abu Shabab said...

I would severely wish to see that red cow Anja Meulenbelt splattered against a concrete wall.

CA said...

Hey, you're sounding like some dutch version of Glenn Beck by not being more clear that this "Socialist" Party started out life as a Maoist Communist Party. The Netherlands has a perfectly respectable social-democratic party (Labor, which has a lot more seats in Parliament than the Socialists), so your readers shouldn't get the idea that the mainstream left-liberal party is a bunch of radical kooks.

That said, it is curious that a Maoist party managed to become the third largest party in the Dutch parliament, apparently at the expense of Labor. It's demise is probably to be expected, once the rather colorful leadership you've described got some public exposure.

Texan Historian said...

The real Judge Roy Bean was not into hanging, he usually settled for a fine (it was better for business at his saloon):

Langtry did not have a jail, so all cases were settled by fines. Bean refused to send the state any part of the fines, but instead kept all of the money. In most cases, the fines were made for the exact amount in the accused's pockets. Bean is known to have sentenced only two men to hang, one of whom escaped. Horse thieves, who were often sentenced to death in other jurisdictions, were always let go if the horses were returned. Although only district courts were legally allowed to grant divorces, Bean did so anyway, pocketing $10 per divorce. He charged only $5 for a wedding, and ended all wedding ceremonies with "and may God have mercy on your souls" (traditionally the end of a death sentence).

The back of the hill said...


You are right. I should have clarified that.
I'm still not entirely comfortable with the Dutch Labour Party either, though. I remember them in the seventies.......
Dutch left-wingism, tinged as it is with a severe and disapproving crypto-Calvinist attitude ("we are the Elect, everyone who disagrees with us is a fascist") was not, at that time, a tolerant ideological tendency. The increased prosperity and attendant thrive of consumerism since then has tempered it somewhat. And the more extreme elements have percolated out towards the SP and other fringe parties.

The back of the hill said...

In true democratic style, the SP have from a long list of one candidate overwhelmingly chosen their new chief commisar.

Former teacher to be new Socialist leader
Friday 05 March 2010

MP Emile Roemer is set to take over the leadership of the Socialist Party from Agnes Kant, who quit on Thursday following the party's poor showing in the local elections.

A number of leading SP MPs have come out in favour of Roemer, who was the only candidate for the job when nominations closed at 2pm on Friday.

'He has thirty years experience within the SP. He is the right man for the job,' said MP Harry van Bommel.

Roemer, a former teacher, has been an MP since 2006 and is the SP's spokesman on transport issues.

He is 47, married and has two daughters. Before becoming an MP, he was active for the SP in Noord-Brabant province.


Kant took over from Jan Marijnissen who resigned in 2008 for health reasons. He is considered to be the main motor behind the party's success.

The SP took 25 seats at the last general election. According to an opinion poll earlier this week, the party will have just 11 after the next election.



Boruch Hashem, at least it isn't that farbissene anti-Semit Anja Meulenbelt. He does however come from exactly the same milieu as that swine Andries van Agt - a cramped highly Catholicised backwater province with suspicious and bitter villagers. Gatverdamme.

Spiros said...

Texas Historian, you have to admit that what really happened wouldn't have given John Huston much scope for a film. To quote another great film director, "Print the legend".

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