Monday, March 15, 2010


The other side called a demonstration in front of the Israeli consulate at noon today.
It wasn't planned by any of the usual Jew-hating organizations with which the SF Bay Area is so richly larded.
More of a badly thought-out spur of the moment flash of dullness by the disconnected.

[The usual Bay Area Jew-hate orgs: JVP, IJAN, Brit Tzedek, Women in Black, International ANSWER, ISM-norcal, Code Pink, MSA, The Gloria La Riva Fanbase, South Bay Mobilization, Marin County Peace and Justice Coalition, SJP, Queers for Hamas, Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists, Lake Merrit United Methodist Church, and St. Johns Presbyterian on College Avenue.
Have I forgotten anybody? Please register the name of your anti-Semitic yet oh so politically correct guild of irritating busybodies in the comments field below this post and thank you.]

It did, however, contain many of the usual haters: Kate Bender Raphael, Hassan Fouda, Randy whose last name I temporarily cannot remember, John with a surname in the same forgettable category, Rusty from telegraph Avenue, an International ANSWER politburo guy, a raving lunatic, a poe-faced Wibbie who ALWAYS shows up at these things.......

Plus several hairy tofu from Berkeley.

As well as a number of sincere young people who intended the event to be a remembrance of Tristan Anderson, who was hit in the head by a teargas canister a year ago while at a demonstration in the West Bank.

I've always had problems with those West Bank Village demonstrations - genuine peaceniks, smiling Arabs, and rabid hate-filled troublemakers on one side, the IDF on the other.
It seems so unfair, as the sincere yet ignorant will inevitably end up in a violent melee started by criminals and saboteurs using unarmed and panicked demonstrators as cover and as human shields.
It is a great pity that Tristan got hit in the head instead of one of those racists or terror-supporting infiltrators - surely the world would have been a much better place if a rock-throwing Jihadi got whacked? Or a hate-preaching PA imam from the local mosque, or an Israeli peace-activist, or a revolutionary from Western Europe........

In the same manner, I have a problem with demonstrations in front of the consulate where sincere (and sincerely ignorant) 'peace activists' allow themselves to be used by opportunistic scum like Kate Bender Raphael and Hassan Fouda.
Or, mentioning the trolls who were there in spirit but couldn't make it in flesh: Hatem Bazian, Lilly Haskel, Karima Al-Helew, Richard Becker, Barbara Lubin, the Wallach sisters, Paul Larudee........

None of the usual self-identified 'victimized Palestinians' and their hoodlum fellow-travelers showed up either, however. So what with the absence of both Richard Becker and the Thugs For Palestine, there was no riot.

It was mostly thirty Berkeleyite youth, plus a dozen convinced anti-Semitic activists (see names above), and half-a-dozen pro Israel demonstrators presenting the voice of reason.

Kudos to the two dozen police who were there. By their mere presence, they kept me from punching a horribly offensive anti-Israel boor in the gut. And that is a good thing.

All in all, not bad for a lunch break.
I was in a far better mood when I left than when I got there.


The flags and cigars in the title of this post? The flags were Israeli and American, both of which irritated a goodly number of people. The cigars were small Dutch stogies smoked by Baruch and myself, in contravention of the city ordinance about smokers staying fifteen feet away from commercial doorways - but the only people who were irritated by the smoke were anti-Israel activists. Who deserve to be smoked at.


Anonymous said...

Paul Larudee is busy acquiring a Dc3 to smuggle Iranian weapsons into Gaza. He's been pre-occupuied.

The Israel dislikers announced a "Save the Date". Round two of "Its All Israel's fault" will be Tax Day, April 15.

Oh,I'm sure a fun time will be had by all.

Oh yes, at Sabeel this year, the attendees were told that the Palestinians are no longer the descendants of the Caanites, the Phonecians, or the Phillistines. They are Jews that converted to Islam, so they are really the indigeneous people. And every one needs to get on the same page now.

The back of the hill said...

Did I ever mention that I am a repatriated white Zulu? With a monumental chip on my shoulder against whitey....., errrm, pallid Black people, errrm, indefinte hued......, I mean "non-Zuloid imperialists".
Oh yes.
It's all the fault of the non-Zuloid hegemonists.
I am very angry.

I think that's the same page. Please correct me if am wrong.
[Unless you burn sage at the same time, however, I may take your telling me what as an attempt to impose your non-Zuloid dominance over us.]

Peace. Love. Why can't we all just get along?

Tofu rules.

The back of the hill said...

He's been pre-occupuied

Stop the preoccupation NOW!

The back of the hill said...

Paul Larudee is a yutz.

The back of the hill said...

And the word 'shmendrick' describes the members of Sabeel to a tav.

Anonymous said...

Lilly = Lily (Haskell). One "l" in the first name, 2 in the second.

Haven't seen her 'round much. I so miss her brown bedroom eyes. When she's not being a raving anti-semite, that is.

Ari said...

Thanks for fighting the good fight. It's getting weirder than usual out there.

Anonymous said...

Henry Norr, Marilyn Fouda and Kate Rafael, who all vandalized kosher food at Trader Joes last summer, and then helpfully documented themselves in the act, were all in attendence. More aging Berkeley leftists were there than jihadis, which is probably why the Israel supporters felt comfortable engaging with them.

Anonymous said...

Re Lily Haskell. I suspect she's lying low after the incident where she threatened a group of activists who had the misfortune to disagree with her political stance. Perhaps the Arab Resource Organizing committee has her in a back room so she can't embarrass them further.

Marshall Schwartz said...

Your fellow cigar smoker was not Baruch, rather Moshe.

-- Moshe ben Menachem Mendel HaLevi

Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed it. What a bunch of sorry-assed losers who hate Jews.


Anonymous said...

And some of them were Jewish sorry-assed losers who hate Jews.

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