Thursday, March 25, 2010


A while back I left a comment on Treppenwitz's blog. Now, that isn't unusual, as I am a talkative and opinionated person. But here it is, several day later, and not only do I still agree with myself (mirabile dictu!), I actually think that said comment perfectly expresses my point of view.
And that IS unusual - it's a different day of the week, and a different time of day, so my levels of stress, caffeine, aesthetic frustration, and emotional disbalance are entirely different(*). That normally affects thinking.
[* but piss and vinegar remain constant, however.]

Treppenwitz had opined that Israel was the Class Slut of the international community. Everyone wants what Israel has to offer, but no one wants to be seen with her.

I beg to differ.

The United States is the Class Slut, Israel is merely the class tramp.

We're number one. So to speak.

Especially in Europe.

The European governments have NO problem with their people slamming the US as a bunch of arrivista whores, inbreds, vulgarians, closet fascist-imperialists, overweight criminals and sexfiend puritans; heck, we’re one big blemish on civilization and if it weren’t for us and our corrupt venal leaders (and our daemonic military), the rest of the world could go about the peaceful business of building happy proletarian pigsties and communes, and dancing their colourful native dances in tune with mother nature and the elements.

But the Eurie governments, despite their peoples’ clear distaste (loathing, repulsion, horrified nausea) just keep quietly working with us, buying our weapons, investing in our industries, bribing our officials, pet warlords, and clients, and forwarding intelligence, while transporting innocent Arab detainees to overseas CIA torture dens.

Heck, NATO is the biggest "secret" around. Membership allows a whole bunch of rinky-tink European liberal democracies to do jacksh*t about their own security, while silently relying on the big bad US, and publicly disdaining us and lamenting that that bunch of filthy transportees ever became independent.
Oh, and please remember, everything we did in WWI and since can be entirely discounted – because it was to our benefit, and NOT because we honestly worshipped Europe.

Israel, without the United States, would no doubt also be better. Leastways a neo-socialist workers paradise that would just have to get along with the hardworking aborigines, both peoples exchanging artistic trinkets and hummus recipes instead of barbs and (US-sponsored) bombs.


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1 comment:

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Well at least none of you are Pakistan.

---Abdulkadir Bongo

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