Friday, March 26, 2010


Seventeen years ago a coworker was held at Kennedy Airport because he had a multiplicity of passports. By himself alone, he represented a microcosm of Europe: Germany, France, and England were represented among his official documents - England in fact several times.

When we heard about it, we had to smile. It was so typical of him.
Sikhs have a brashness and chutzpa-ish self-assurance that often leads to outrageous flouting of rules, and here in San Francisco we are very used to fake papers. Heck, most of the young Euro-trash infesting cheap lodgings here make darn sure that they have identification documents showing assumed names and ages, because they do not wish to get in trouble with the authorities when they break the law (as they do at the drop of the hat - "Yankee rules are NOT for us civilized people!"), and they keenly wish to drink themselves silly like they do in Europe ("I shall repeat: Yankee rules are NOT for us civilized people!").

It is axiomatic that one out of two Europeans in San Francisco engages in underage drinking, law breaking, and sexual harassment of local women.
For all such pursuits, possession of fake identification is 'le must'.


Of course it isn't just Eurotrash that utilizes fake passports, as Maurice Ostroff explains:

"For example, the fake passports at issue could have come from any of the flourishing passport factories in London open for trade with all comers. On February 26, Sue Reid in the Daily Mail described the "frightening ease", with which foreign terrorists and criminals can obtain fake EU passports made to order in 48 hours at counterfeiting factories in North London. (note the plural). She bought three forged passports for £1,200 each.

There are many other likely sources. The passports used in Dubai could even have been issued fraudulently by the British Home office, which has admitted to having issued 10,000 genuine British passports to fraudulent applicants. According to Mail online of March 21, 2007, an Al Qaeda fanatic was issued with nine British passports, seven in his own name and two in fraudulent identities, while he was plotting to murder thousands of people in a series of terrorist atrocities.

Another worry is that thousands of stolen passports are still in circulation resulting from a hijack in 2008 of 3,000 blank British passports and visas that were destined for British embassies abroad. The Mail online described the hijacking as a 'real coup' to terrorists, illegal immigrants and fraudsters.

Moreover, a Google search for fake passports reveals countless offers for genuine looking but fake EU, British, USA, Canadian and Australian passports. See for example
End quote.

The rest of his 'Open letter to Rt Hon. David Miliband' can be found here:

It's a very good letter, and I encourage you to read it.

He does overlook one key thing in respect to the death of mister Mabhouh, and the door to mister Mabhouh's hotel room being locked from the inside with a safety chain in place.

That is the very distinct possibility that mister Mabhouh was killed by a local whore in Dubai. Of which there are several thousand who cater specifically to the hotel trade.

Dubai, as is well known, is a haven of enlightened attitudes in an otherwise depressingly repressive region. Many Arabs from conservative Saudi Arabia and elsewhere flock to Dubai for the opportunity to engage in 'romance', purchase designer goods, and get right royally blasted on liquor. Dubai is better than Paris in that regard, as there is far less snootiness, and far better even than Beirut, due to the smorgasbord of European and Asian hookers available to the well-connected.
Especially in the luxury hotels for which Dubai is so justly famous.

I cannot discount the distinct possibility that mister Mabhouh was engaged in something deliciously degenerate. In fact, if any of the Arabs whom I know personally is anything to go by, it is almost guaranteed that he 'rampaged' like a stallion while in Dubai.

[Yes, Mohammad, I remember when you were desperately trying to get into the panties of the Dutch woman. And Alai, you were just pathetic, drooling over that Swedish girl. As for you, Nasseeb, you like Phillipino transgenders - but do they like you?]

There are several other things which we might also wonder about.
Was the other person in mister Mabhouh's room male or female? Local Arab, or import tart? And was mister Mabhouh 'accidentally' done in by his sexual partner's vigour, or killed by the Dubai authorities OR Hamas agents for any number of possible reasons - such as face-saving, cover-up, intelligence failure, embarrassing lack of discretion, accidentally spilling the beans on something which either Dubai or Hamas did not want revealed, blackmail, sexual shenanigans with someone back in Gaza or Syria that he would have been better keeping his hands off of, etcetera.
One might counter that there is no reason to assume the worst of the man, and that all this is mere speculation. But that would overlook his history as a murderer, strong-arm goon, sadist, criminal, and weapons smuggler. Mahmoud al-Mabhouh was a thug. Who knows what such a person could have been involved in?
Or how twisted and dysfunctional his personal life was?

Additionally, there are others who may have benefitted from his timely demise.

"On March 3, the London Telegraph reported that Al-Quds Al-Araby reported that Hamas itself believe that the security forces of an Arab state were behind the assassination. No less than Mahmoud Nasser, a member of Hamas political bureau spoke of efforts to kill Mabhouh who was being tracked by agents from Jordan and Egypt as he was in possession of information dangerous to particular Arab elements seeking to topple Islamist resistance."

"Gulf News and al-Khaleej newspapers in the United Arab Emirates quoted police chief, Lieutenant-General Dahi Khalfan Tamim, as saying that a Hamas member played a significant role in the killing of Mabhouh."


OR EVEN ... ?

Heck, it's not too farfetched to think that he was done in by British agents because he was about to blow the top off of Britain's passport racket. They are rather known for bending over backwards for well-connected Arabs (no questions asked).
As well as 'passport' expertise.


Anonymous said...

Uh, lets not be naive here. A properly prepared person can go to the correct corner in the Mission and buy a new passport, drivers license etc. It doesn't require a nations intelligence service.

NonymousG said...

I changed my blog from to , please could you amend your link?

GRANT!PATEL! said...

That would've been Jack Singh about whom you are above referring, no doubt. No, not that Jack Singh, nor Jullunder Jack, or J. Singh with the bushy eyebrows, but the Jack Singh with the wrinkly nose and gneering face, who was for once long time a tandurwallah - THAT Jack Singh.

His case was too complicated. He is now back in Jullunder (no, he is NOT the Jullunder Jack, that was Jagdeez), where he is absolutely thriving most abominably.

---Glurk Pontoon

Ari said...

Brits "bending over backwards" for Islamofascists? Perhaps bending over forwards is more apt.

You know, it's so much more convenient to blame Jews (oops, I meant Israel) for, well, just about everything that disappoints us in life: Afghanistan, Iraq, swine flu, AIDS, 9/11, hemorrhoids, yeast infection, the arms race, poverty in Yemen, world recession, and so on. So, why should the untimely demise of this thug be any different?

Don't you know that 2 out of 3 people say that Israel is the source of world problems? So they must be right. Because the majority opinion is always right.

The back of the hill said...

I changed my blog from to , please could you amend your link?

Will do. Sometime today.

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