Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Please note this post on Dovbear's blog, in reference to this post on Jacob Stein's blog.
Dovbear is on my blogroll. It is unlikely that Jacob Stein will ever be there.

Jacob Stein: Secret Orthodox Atheists and How to Catch Them
Dovbear: Jewish Philosopher: Soft on Atheists?]

Not all orthodox Jews are orthodox Jews.

Not all gilgulim of grand inquisitors are Catholic.

There are these four sons, one of whom is wise, one wicked, one simple, and one sheino yodeah lishol......
An atheist is not a rasha, much more likely one of the latter two.
Or, on the other hand, either a myrtle branch or a willow branch. Few people are entirely etrogish.


Spiros said...

Jacob Stein is joking, right?

The back of the hill said...

No, he's not. He's dead serious. He really does want to out all the orthodox atheists - destroying lives is not an objection in his world.

I guess his parents Lutheranism was too tolerant. Whatever he would've converted to would've probably ended up Torquemadic.

Spiros said...

Holy Mackerel, Batman...are there more like him at home?

Anonymous said...

Oh my. By posting this, you are giving the impression that you don't WANT that venerable old man (and his Elaskan Shucksa) to win.

That can't be right. You surely respect and love the elderly war hero (and his Ulaskan Shucksa) too much to allow a dark-complected person to sit on the top of the dung heap.

I shall, therefore, assume that this SMEAR of the kindly old fart (and his Ilaskan Shucksa) is a mistake.

You must've meant to fling mud at the other chap. Not at the distinguished elderly codger (or his Ylaskan Shucksa). Right?

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

God that udderlaskan shucksa is hot!!! Cream in the dhoti hot!!! No wonder Joe-Bob and the Rednecks are voting for her.

Hot, hot, hot! She's "where da white wimmins at?" hot. Garm to da max, man.

Did I say hot?

--Grant Perverted - can't you tell?

Anonymous said...

I mean, anyone who can skin a moose.... zowee!

Who cares that's she's a near-idiot? We don't want intelligent people anywhere near positions of power. But moose-skinning mammas from the great state of Moron, now we're talking. Dude! Hot!


---Grant Patel

Spiros said...

Mr. Patel-
What has the above to do with "outing" Ortho-Atheists?
Are you perhaps postulating that Ms. Palin is a lapsed Ortho?
As is not altogether uncommon while reading your comments, I am confused (as I believe you might well be).

The back of the hill said...

Good heavens. It isn't even the weekend, and already Grant is plastered. I fear he may have started celebrating Hallowe'en early.

His comments fit in better with the content of this post: MCCAIN - KHALIDI CONNECTION.

Patel-saheb, cut out the arak. It is far too early in the day for that sort of behaviour. You should NEVER(!) drink before tea-time. Just not the done thing.

Sheesh, here I am running a nice clean wholesome blog, suitable for the entire family, and some plonky cricketer just knocks over all the potted plants. What is this wolrd coming to?

The back of the hill said...

Oh yes, and vote for Obama. Hump McCain and his crazy patootie.

The back of the hill said...

No salt. I distinctly said 'no salt'! Noooo salt.

Anonymous said...

But...that's my stapler...

Anonymous said...

Oh come on! Who put all my comments here? I left them upstairs, at the other post.

This looks like an attempt to keep my voice from being heard.

I'll vote for change. Change we can bleieve in. That will stop these puerile attempts to stifle the creativity of young pigmented Patels, that will.

And then we start bombing Tehran, right?

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

I mean, for crepes sake, what the jehannum would I know from crazy Jacob Stein? He isn't even running. He may be stumbling, Shiva knows it looks like he's falling over his own baggage, but he left the race a long time ago.

Whether he married a shucksa, is neither here nor where.

---Grant Leapt

Anonymous said...

I'll stick by what I said about skinning moose, however.

---Grant Patel

Spiros said...

Jacob Stein is not only not running, from the looks of things he's dragging his knuckles.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Some of my best friends drag their knuckles! And they would be hideously insulted if they knew (or understood) your nasty crack.

Nothing wrong with people who need all four limbs to stand erect.

---Grant Patel

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