Thursday, October 16, 2008


For the past several months I have, at times strenuously, tried to avoid talking about American politics on this blog. I have not always succeeded - and some readers have ceased visiting here because of that - but in the main I have not spewed my gall at the gang of republican thugs and deviants that have dragged both a fine party and a great country into the mud.

[Yes, I know that sounds partisan, and will offend those of my readers who despite their excellent taste in blogs still have loyalty to the grand old party, no matter how frightfully misguided that is. I'm sorry. Why don't you take back your party from the slack jawed yokel base of bumpkins that have hijacked it? PLEASE take back your party, we really do need a plurality of thoughts and ideas in this country - we just aren't getting anywhere with only ONE party run by sentient beings.]

Nevertheless, sometimes I will post something political. In this case, it is the stellar comment by Conservative Apikoris (CA) under a post on Dovbear's blog.

The post under which the comment appeard: Curtains for McCain.
Conservative Apikoris is a regular reader of Dovbear, and Dovbear should be among your regular reading.]

CA wrote:

"I never supported Senator Mc Cain, but there was period during the late '90;s and up to the middle of 2003 or so when I had a great deal of respect for him. Then he started frenching Bush in the obvious hope of geting the 2008 presidential nomination. His record in the Senate of vocal criticism of Bush's worst policies and total support for them in his votes made his final descent into wingnuttery not too much of a surprise for me.

I strongly recommend Tom Dickingson's article in Rolling Stone about the man:

Make-Believe Maverick
A closer look at the life and career of John McCain reveals a disturbing record of recklessness and dishonesty

The best line is this:

"In its broad strokes, McCain's life story is oddly similar to that of the current occupant of the White House. John Sidney McCain III and George Walker Bush both represent the third generation of American dynasties. Both were born into positions of privilege against which they rebelled into mediocrity. Both developed an uncanny social intelligence that allowed them to skate by with a minimum of mental exertion. Both struggled with booze and loutish behavior. At each step, with the aid of their fathers' powerful friends, both failed upward. And both shed their skins as Episcopalian members of the Washington elite to build political careers as self-styled, ranch-inhabiting Westerners who pray to Jesus in their wives' evangelical churches.

In one vital respect, however, the comparison is deeply unfair to the current president: George W. Bush was a much better pilot."

After reading about Senator McCain's disastrous career in naval aviation, as a taxpayer, I'd like to bill him for the government property he wrecked. "


Please note that by posting this I do not intend to sway you. If you did not know for whom to vote before yesterday's debate, you are still a moron and an ignoramous today, and you should not vote by any means.
As it says in the odd book: "because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out."
Really, you should've made up your mind already, what's wrong with you?

I can cheerfully accept people who are wrong. People who are wishy-washy, or waffling idiots, excite my bile. I shall pray that they get distracted by blinky things on the way to the voting booth come November.


Spiros said...

Funny how McCain was against Bush's tax-cuts, against torture, against the religious right...until he realized those stances could cost him the nomination!

Spiros said...

And, even disregarding the whole Alaska Independence imbroglio, am I alone in finding the slogan "Country First" to be totally inane? Country, as in not City? Country, as in Minnie Pearl?
It reminds me of the "Arrested Development" episode in which the Bluths printed a banner which read "Family Loves Michael". Speak English, you assholes.

Anonymous said...

I do not envy the US voter this time round. Whoever wins becomes the most powerful "statesman" on the planet

pleez choose wisely


Spiros said...

Actually, Graham, it's a no-brainer: a competant man with statemanlike qualities, seeking to concilaite disparate elements of this country, opposed by a cynical opportunist, whose only goal appears to be to gain the presidency at whatever cost. It's pretty simple.

Anonymous said...

Yes, McCain is a cynical opportunist.

But there are two differences between him and Bush.

1. Not as much of an ideologue as Bush (though he does seem to be sincere about his hawkishness, which scares me).

2. He has also been a Senator for two decades, and as far as I can tell one of the best ones. This is why I still might vote for him- because if he's President, he might let the good McCain, the one who's served in the Senate for twenty plus years, out to play now and then.

3. Even his loathsome running mate is actually saner than the average Republican officeholder. She raised taxes both as mayor AND as governor. By contrast, certain Republican presidents and vice-presidents seem to think government can just be financed by debt forever.

But having said that, I wouldn't be unhappy if Obama wins either.

Spiros said...

What, you figure he's "putting on an antic disposition"? This IS the real fucking McCain, for as long as he lives; then we get the real Sarah Palin, which is basically Dubya with boobs. If you feel comfortable voting for that, I hope you live in Texas or Alaska or some other state of ignorence which is already too far gone, electorally speaking, to matter.

Anonymous said...

I'll vote for the Indic-hued gentleman before I vote for the old fart. Heck, by the time I vote for the old-fart, he'll be out on the funreal pyre, and that choorail from the frozen abode of Himapati will be scooting her big Alaskan but into the desk-chair of the Oval office. So no, period.

Young virile black man? Shee, I can identify with that. Big time. Cherchez les blondes, baby. Oh very yes.

Besides, I'm a liberal. As if that wasn't clear enough. Republicans are kinda like rats - garbage eating hierarchical thieves. Who chew through the infrastructure just to keep their sharp teeth clean.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

"Republican are kind of like rats"?
I know a lot rodents who would take exception to that characterization!

Spiros said...

Mr. Patel-
"Repubicans are kind of like rats"? You mean they both carry diseases? Don't you think you are being just a little bit unfair to the rats? I mean, rats aren't nearly as greedy as Republicans, and I have never known rats to discriminate on the basis of race, gender, religious creed, or sexual orientation.
Let's try to avoid harmful speech; if you can't avoid saying hurtful things about innocent rodents, stick to ranting about panties.
P.S.: Actually, rats give me the heebie-jeebies, but then so do Republicans; I'm just saying, at least Republicans have a choice (unless there is a "Republican Gene", hitherto unsuspected by Science).

Anonymous said...

If a Republican gene were discovered, would you vote to require abortion?

Or just dump extra chlorine into the pool?

Not Trump, March 12, 2016 said...

Abortion, absolutely.

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