Thursday, October 30, 2008


Rabbosai, I wish to draw your attention to a Huffington Post article about McCain's association with a known supporter of terrorism - known, that is, to the Republicans, who lifted the lid themselves.....
McCain & Khalidi lovenest

During the 1990s, while he served as chairman of the International Republican Institute (IRI), McCain distributed several grants to the Palestinian research center co-founded by Khalidi, including one worth half a million dollars.
A 1998 tax filing for the McCain-led group shows a $448,873 grant to Khalidi's Center for Palestine Research and Studies for work in the West Bank.

The relationship extends back as far as 1993, when John McCain joined IRI as chairman in January. Foreign Affairs noted in September of that year that IRI had helped fund several extensive studies in Palestine run by Khalidi's group, including over 30 public opinion polls and a study of "sociopolitical attitudes."

........... McCain could have some of his own explaining to do as he tries to make hay out of Khalidi's ties to Obama.

Oh Jeez. Now the kak is gonna hit the fan.

Or are we talking teflon again?


The Big Little Tommy said...

I agree. One of McCain's own staffers was asked why they are bringing this old news up now and the staffer candidly replied,"because it's 6 days until the election!"

Spiros said...

It is becoming increasingly clear that McCain is desperate to win the election. What remains unclear is how interested he is in being the President.

The back of the hill said...

I would also like to recommend this article: Khalidi and the PLO.

There is both more to Khalidi than meets the eyes, and less.

Joe the plumber, on the other hand, is becoming more of a liability than even I thought possible after Palin.

This election is turning into a farce.

Spiros said...

I prefer the term "pie fight" to farce; farce implies literary merit, whereas McCain's campaign is nothing even to write home about.

Spiros said...

And a teflon fan gathers no kak.

Anonymous said...

Hey! What happened to all the comments I left here yesterday? Are you censoring me, you unmentionable?!?! Of all the nerve! HEre I am, adding value to your rather dull family-style blog, with my rapier wit and sharp comments.... I feel hurt. You've obviously gone over to the dark side. Did Lev get to you? Did that snarky beaverwhomper bribe you?

Dude, you owe me an apology. Big time.

---Grant Peevish

Anonymous said...

We claim full responsibilty for shifting the peurile, anti-rodent babblings of G. Patel to a different post.

Kylopod said...

This election is turning into a farce.

What do you mean "turning into"?

McCain fully jumped down the rabbit hole the day he announced Palin.

J. "יהוא בן יהושפט בן נמשי" Izrael said...

McCock-ain jumped down the rabbit hole in 2000.

Of course, that was the reason the entire non-leftist, non-communist media for endorsing him in the primaries (If you remember, Romney was Hitler, Suckabee was Goebbels and Giuliani was Emma Brown, while McCain was the "moderate Republican", "the Republican's only hope", "The sane Republican", "The Maverick" etc)

This Kahlidi business is far more incriminating of the IRI than McCokaine, especially the '98 donation. Khalidi's true colors, however, became really widespread in the early 2000's, when O'Bambi showered him with much bigger donations. And smooching with him in public at a Jew-bash fest is by far more telling than a two-card-Monti pandering politican scheme. It's just like Hillary and O'Bamam voting for "medicaid" to Israel and 100 times larger packages to the Palinazis.
Of course, all besides the voting record is irrelevant.
Very intelligent.
The Jewicidal brain is unbeatable.

Anonymous said...

Jewicidal? IS that rooting for the fundamentalist Palin and the short-sighted old coot, instead of for change we can believe in?

Seen too many fundamental Christians in positions of power to be positively inspired by that prospect.

---Grant Patel

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