Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Over on Dovbear's list, there are some commenters who repeatedly cry wolf about Obama. Apparently he's a communist crypto-Muslim, a socialist pro-terrorist, and part Arab - and he became rich off the current financial crisis, in addition to loyally doing what his Stalinist masters in Tehran commanded of him.
That, basically, is the jist of what they keep plonking in the comments fields underneath various posts.

The one thing they have not averred is that he's black. According to them, because one of his parents was Caucasian, he is a white descendant of a Luo tribal slave-dealer who sold real blacks to the Arabs. Not black. White. Why, he's more white than anybody here.
Whitey white white white!

Two people contributed more to this shtuss than any others.
This is for them - This is the post that wrote itself.

“ ‘Well, you know that Mr. Obama is a Muslim.’ Well, the correct answer is, he is not a Muslim. He’s a Christian. He’s always been a Christian. But the really right answer is, what if he is? Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in this country? The answer’s no. That’s not America. Is something wrong with some 7-year-old Muslim-American kid believing that he or she could be president?”
------Colin Powell

Hey Esther and Moshe, I guess the ONLY reason Colin Powell said that is because he too is a Muslim and a Socialist. Besides being black, and responsible for the mortgage meltdown. And a commie pinko liberal homosexual.

Besides being a traitor, and a terrorist-sympathizing crypto-Arab.
Fie, I say, fie!
Stands to reason, doesn't it?

Good luck in November, you Neanderthals (not that there's anything wrong with that).

Post scriptum: I have NOTHING against Neanderthals. They are fine people. Some of my best friends are Neanderthals.
If I had a daughter, I wouldn't mind her dating one. Really.
As long as he was a doctor.

Again, I stress that I have no issue with Neanderthals. Some VERY fine people have been of that persuasion. And they are allowed to vote too! Great people.
Pity about their lousy sense of rhythm, though.
And that they are too short and squatty to play many sports.
Still, we've learned so much from them. Like fire. I'm pretty sure they invented it. What would we do without fire? Or flint axes?
Thank you Esther and Moshe. You are loved.

I sincerely apologize if any Neanderthals feel offended.


Oh crap, I feel somewhat dirty now. Probably shouldn't have waded into the shallow end of the pool, people do things there. Was that some floating vomit that just drifted by? Dear Esther and Moshe, if you can't swim, perhaps you should stay out of the water entirely. People drown when drunk, you know. I only say this because I care about you. Truly.


Anonymous said...

I have no vote coz I am not a Yank - but nonetheless I'd rather vote for Obama than that which opposes...

STILL - WHATEVER... oooooh

Jimmy the Peanut once held promise - and where did it end up?? - OB is perhaps the wiser choice - and he'll be a President Jim. but mebbe not as we know it...

which is what I mean Spiros..

you all have to make a choice between

unknown quantities


Graham (my dream was to own a Pacer.... sigh...)

Tzipporah said...

You have to admire their resolve. They never let the fact that they're wrong, let alone ignorant, get in the way of loudly pointing out what they think. I mean, I'm assuming they "think" these things, but perhaps that is too active a verb...

Anonymous said...

I still want to know what Grant Patel has against rats. If BOTH can be tolerant of Homo sapiens neandertalensis, surely it is time for Patel Sahib to use this forum to show the love for Rattus rattus, or at least stop comparing us to Republicans.
We squeek our outrage!

Anonymous said...

Rats are good, rats are fine;
Some rats are good friends of mine!
Rats are pleasant, and they're sweet,
Curried rat is good to eat!

---Grant Poetaster

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute...Colin Powell is black?

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Mr. Patel.

Kylopod said...

It's been enlightening reading about past presidential campaigns in this country.

For example, when John Fremont ran for president in 1856, he was rumored to be a secret Catholic. (He was actually Episcopalian.)

When Al Smith, the first actual Catholic nominee, ran in 1928, people said that as soon as he entered office he would extend the Holland Tunnel to the basement of the Vatican.

Nowadays, this issue has receded so much from our national consciousness that no one seems to notice we're on the verge of electing the first Catholic vice president.

It's striking how much has changed, yet how little.

Kylopod said...

Come to think of it, this would make a good blog post.

J. "יהוא בן יהושפט בן נמשי" Izrael said...

His biological father is Muslim - never mind.

His foster father is Muslim - never mind.

He employed Franklin Raines who ransacked Fannie Mea - never mind.

Clinton repelled the Glass-Stiegeal act with the Reps & Dems - never mind.

Dudd & Frank blocked any and all attempts at supervising, controlling wall street and O'Bama was in on it with them - never mind.

He is surrounded by radical socialists, communists and Arabs - never mind.

He raised the over $600 million, mostly from unverifiable sources from overseas - never mind. (his campaign accepts donations in different bogus names from the same credit card - verified. Never mind.

His plans make even less sense than McCain's - never mind.

Over 60% of all his proposed biolls deal with Africa - never mind.

His economic policy sounds like a cross breed between the NSDAP and the Kremlin - never mind.

The media crowned him as king messiah supreme. Thank goodness Steve Cohen declared Jesus was a community organizer (Like O'Bama, the only thing he could put on his resume) and Pontius Pilatus was a governor like Palin.

I hope she won't actually crucify him. If so we just bought another 8-12 years to a presidency identical to O'Bama's. If Hussein Non-Muslim gets elected, there may be God willing, a real revolution. I'd love to see the Clintons share the gallows with the Bushes.

Anonymous said...

It is all way too German here.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

As an Aryan, I have to say there are too many white people squabbling here. Calm down, all of you pigment-empaired types, calm down.

As we say in Sanskrit, santi santi santi!

Be peacefull, disturbed pale people. It does not fit that bleached folk be so excited.

We Indians aren't. Learn from us.
Oh yeah. Buckets.

---Grant nicely Caffay-o-lay Patel

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