Friday, October 17, 2008


It has been decided that the next burgomaster (mayor) of Rotterdam shall be Ahmed Aboutaleb, who is of Arab origin.
Mr. Aboutaleb is the son of an imam, and was born in Morocco. He has been a resident of the Netherlands for twenty-two years. He has dual-citizenship. And he is a practicing Muslim.

There are TWO problems with this appointment!!!

The first is that he is an Amsterdammer - not a positive thing in the heartland of FC Feyenoord. The Rotterdam soccer team has always been a rival of Ajax (the Amsterdam team), and the supporters of both teams are not at all averse to whacking each other. Several times over the last few years confrontation has become brawl, brawl has turned to murder. There are violent tendencies at play in Dutch soccer fandom.

The second problem is that his appointment is causing all the retrogrades to come foaming out of the woodwork. If you thought racism was a factor in American politics recently, you have not looked at the Netherlands, where being a Moroccan is nearly as bad as being a Jew in Czarist Russia. Consequently, the appointment of a Jew Moroccan as mayor of Rotterdam has got the bigots all a-flutter. Loudly so.

One would not have thought that the denizens of the world's first modern democracy, where the laissez faire approach to societal administration was born, would prove themselves so...... barbaric.

But no.

The internet commentary shows many of them to be utter scumbags. Anybody wading through the river of Dutch bile that has been dumped in recent days on the internet will have recoiled in disgust at the sentiments that, like fermenting cadavers, have risen to the surface of an already rank and putrid sewer. Even the Flemish nationalists are adding their sickening slime to the flow - Flemish Nationalist blowhard and politician Flip de Winter (Vlaams Belang) wrote that "de aanstelling van een Rotterdamse Marokkaanse burgemeester overal in Europa de arrogantie van de Marokkaanse allochtonen alleen maar zal doen toenemen" ('the appointment of a Rotterdam Moroccan mayor will only cause an increase in the arrogance of Moroccan allochthones everywhere in Europe').

Shut up, Flip, you're an idiot.

I would like to point out, at this juncture, that mr. Aboutaleb is Dutch.
He became an adult in the Netherlands, he was educated there, and his entire political career has been there. He lives there. His future is there.
At this point he is as Moroccan as I am.

Furthermore, even his political opponents have admitted that he is a very capable and intelligent man. By all accounts he is eminently suited to the job.

If his ancestry or his religion are enough to disqualify him in the eyes of many Dutchspeakers, then Dutch society is more poisonous than I had heretofore imagined.

When I was living over there, I had to put up with any number of horrendous comments about Jews and Americans - I am an American, and thus by the peculiar logic of the blinkered cretins in the Netherlandish bog, I am probably also a Jew - and I am relatively sure that most Jews in the Netherlands have likewise been held accountable for American sins. Especially in recent years.

Muslims in the Netherlands are probably not unaware of the festering hatreds beneath the bland and 'polite' surface of Dutch society either.

But to hold a person's ancestry and religion against him?
In the United States we may be considerably more advanced than the Dutch.

That he is an Amsterdammer should be the ONLY objection to the man.
And it is a very valid objection, because as everyone knows, the Amsterdammers are all Jews - that's why the Feyenoord supporters customarily offer to gas the Ajax fans at sporting events (traditional chant: "Hamas, Hamas, alle Joden aan het gas").
It is therefore not likely that mr. Aboutaleb can give Feyenoord his wholehearted support, certainly not without a feeling of nausea in the pit of his stomach.

He has my sympathy.

Attentive readers may remember that I mentioned mr. Ahmed Aboutaleb nearly two years ago in this post:
I recommend that you re-read that piece - it will give you a better idea of the man.


Anonymous said...

Volg dexe link:

Ministers blasted for weak Van Gogh response.

Men zou geschokt moeten zijn dat een politucs vier-en-twintig uur bewaakt moet worden. Maar de tijden zijn er naar.

Anonymous said...

Tevens komt de naam van de heer Ahmed Aboutaleb voor op een moord-lijst van radikale Islamisten, alsmede Hirsi Ali, Job Cohen, en Rita Verdonk. En van zelf sprekend ook Geert Wilders.

Het is te hopen dat mijnheer Aboutaleb voorspoed heeft. Rotterdam is een kots gehucht zoals er niet velen zijn. Hij zal zijn handen vol hebben.

Anonymous said...

Ironically, most American Jews (or at least most frum ones) would probably be on the side of the bigots.

Tzipporah said...

Het die hooptie-tooten Voors sind reealig obnoxicht, ja?

Aver niet so obnoxicht als die Americaner republicoots.

The back of the hill said...


Das onligste vos ich oys ihren geschrieb kan verstehen iz di tzveite frase - uber di obnoksiuskeit der Americaner Republicooten. Vos der bezteigenis iz von hooptie-tooten weiss ich absoluut nit. Hooptie-tooten? Diz iz nit a google tranlatiering, ja? Iz es ein slebstfarsunnen koinagie?

Mit hertsligge (und dabbul-Dutshe) grisn,

Der Andere Seit des Hivvels

The back of the hill said...

Entshuldigs. A weinig spellingserroren in di dabbul-Dutshe diktte aboven:

Uber - mus sein 'oyber'.
Bezteigneis - mus sein 'batzeigenis'.
Slebstfarsunnen - mus sein 'selbst-farsunnen'.

Ich hoyf es iz aza kler vi all andere Dutshigkeiten und dabbul-dutshigkeiten in disem blog.

[Now, just imagine if Dutch had been the basis of Tokpisin (neo-Melanesian Pidgin) instead of English....... ]

Anonymous said...

First off, can all you jibbering Dutchy-Wutchies PLEASE speak English?

I do not jibber in Hindi, but in English - I cooooouldd also do it in Mahrathi, or even some pakiwakkibollocky Urdu, but NOOOOO, I handicap myself. You can do likewise.

A gorssn dunk for uys,

---Grant Patenglish dammit!

Anonymous said...

Second off, despite the severe disquiet a name like Ahmen Aboutaleb inspires in me, I'll vote for ignoring the Muslim connotations in favour of the Dutch connotations - clearly his commitment is to a civil and fairly liberal society, one which is home to him, rather than to a bunch of rugmerchants running around trying to blow up German tourists in between bedding trashy European blondes - such appears, from all news reports and racialsist cartoons, to be the dominant life-style choice of his cousins in Afrique du Nord.

A cheesehead. Not a rug head. This is clear.

---Grant, Patolerant, for a change.

Tzipporah said...


"hooptie-tooten" ist ein frase de mein gethinken, onligste. Sagt es, en Americanisch, "hoitie-toitie," or sum sych.

Und die holige thinge ist realig yoost me bored being at worke. :)

The back of the hill said...

Looks like someone has been studying Middle English.

Or, the look of it reminds me of a blog that that someone would probably get an immense kick out of....

And clickably here: Geoffrey Chaucer hath a blogge.

I like the coinage 'hooptie-tooten'. It speaks to me.

Anonymous said...

Ronald Sorenson, leader of Leefbaar Rotterdam on the city council, said: ‘He is an Amsterdammer, he is a careerist and an Ajax supporter, but the worst thing is that he has two passports.’ On Monday Sorensen apologised to Aboutaleb. ‘I was speaking out of anger,’ the Volkskrant reported him as saying. Leefbaar party leader and representative
on the mayoral selection panel, Marco Pastors, was reported as saying in the NRC that ‘Aboutaleb is closer to our position than that of his own Labour party,’ when it came to integration issues.

Source: Dutch News NL/DutchNews newsletter

Anonymous said...

You will likely also like this news item from the same source as the one above:

Avoid Halloween say Urk clergy

Eighteen clergymen in the strongly religious fishing village of Urk have written to their local paper urging Urkers not to get involved in Halloween on October 31, the Telegraaf reports. Halloween is ‘playing with God’s arch enemy’ and ‘based on the rituals of heathen religions’, they say.
All one can now say is 'urk!'

Spiros said...

Urk? Urkers? The Beast of Arrrrrrrggggghhhhhhh...?

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