Monday, October 13, 2008


I love children, I really do. Especially when they are between three and five years old. But, lest you now jump to hire me as a baby-sitter, I should mention that there are reasons why people keep me away from their kids.

Some of my friends even send the kids out of town when I visit.

Others just make sure that the kinderlech get no opportunity to talk to me.

It: "Uncle BOTH, why do cars move?"

Me: 'They are desperately trying to get away from their butts.'


Me: 'Because they are full of gas - that's why they make those put-put-put sounds as they flee.'

--- --- ---

It: "Uncle BOTH, why are there no dinosaurs here?"

Me: 'San Francisco is too crowded for them so they all moved to Las Vegas.'

It: "What do dinosaurs eat?"

Me: 'Pizza, extra large, with all the toppings and piled with anchovies, just like everybody else in Vegas.'

It: "What do dinosaurs do?"

Me: 'They work as lounge singers in Las Vegas. They're very popular with old people.'

--- --- ---

It: "Uncle BOTH, why is the sky blue?"

Me: 'That was the cheapest colour the master of the universe could find when he repainted; it used to be puce.'

It: "What's puce?"
Me: 'Kinda like dog poo.'

"What is the master of the universe?"

Me: 'Someone with lots of spare time since the kids all moved away and no longer call.'

--- --- ---

It: "Uncle BOTH, why do we celebrate Jesus' birthday?"

Me: ' 'Cause we're close to Mexico.'

--- --- ---

It: "Uncle BOTH, why did Pooky scratch me?"

Me: 'He thought you were filled with candy, just like your older brother.'

--- --- ---

It: "Uncle BOTH, why did my aunt die?"

Me: 'Spite.'

See, there's a reason people keep their little darlings from talking to me.
I talk back.

This past weekend was fleet-week weekend here in San Francisco. Which always coincides with Columbus Day. This means drunken sailors, lots of goobers, and a loud air-show over the city featuring dare-devil biplanes and the Navy's own obnoxiously loud Blue-Angels. Lordy, I hate the sound of jets roaring overhead. It's a stupid, hubristic display of testicular exhibitionism.
But first, idiots doing loop-de-loops in biplanes.

It: "
Uncle BOTH, what's that buzzing?"

Me: 'That's a very rare insect, the Columbus Day mosquito, which only comes one day a year.'

It: "Is it dangerous?"

Me: 'Oh, very. The Indians hate Columbus Day, because it killed so many of them.'

It: "Will it kill us?"

Me: 'No, Boruch Hashem, because we have large blue phallic fly-swatters that fly through the sky and chase it away. If you stare at the sky long enough you'll see them. But until then, you've got to run around in circles very fast so that the Columbus Day mosquitoes can't catch you. It hurts like heck when they do.'

It: "Uncle BOTH, why aren't you running?"

Cause I'm not young and juicy but old and knackered - do you see anyone biting me? You, on the other hand.... so soft, so tender, so very very sweet. Quick, there's one right behind you!!! Run! Run! Run! Run faster! And make some noise!'

All things considered, I had a very fine weekend. Even though there is now yet one more kid I'm not allowed to talk to.

At least she'll always be wary of the Blue Angels.
Or other things in the sky.

But mostly Blue Angels.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


The Big Little Tommy said...

I dread the Blue Angels each year and i always come to work the following Monday, nerves a little more shattered!

I despise noise and cringe everytime I hear the roar of those "Angel." It was especially annoying yesterday as I could hear them overhead as they were ruining yet another song from "Spring Awakening" which i was otherwise enjoying for my second time.

Spiros said...

The more I am exposed to the phenomenon, the more I find that public displays of patriotism remind me of onanism. I have no objection to people engaging in either activity; I would just prefer that they confine themselves to doing so in the privacy of their bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen tables (as long as I won't be eating there), or what have you.
When people engage in these activities in front of me, I get embarrassed for them, and find myself not knowing where to look.
That being said, men look far sillier jerking off than women do; in public effusions of patriotism, both genders come off looking just about equally idiotic.

Anonymous said...

I would not allow you near my kids if you wore bells. On the other hands, my neighbor's kids. Oh bell yes!

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

What kind of panties were they wearing under their cheonsoms? Or is that too personal a question? Did you get a chance to peruse?

---Grant Patel

Tzipporah said...

AWESOME. You sound like the perfect kind of bad influence.

I am, alas, one of those terrible mommies influenced by Calvin and Hobbes to want to tell my son we got him on blue light special at K-mart. But tha sort of parenting is frowned on, in my circles.

The back of the hill said...

What kind of panties were they wearing under their cheonsoms? Or is that too personal a question? Did you get a chance to peruse?

Grant, you utter pervert, you probably meant to put that comment under this post:


And in any case, I did not look. When I speak to people, I have eye-to-eye conversations, not eye-to-panty!

Besides, the slits in the cheongsams did not go up quite that high. Trust me.

The back of the hill said...

You sound like the perfect kind of bad influence

Heh heh heh. We aim to displease.

Anonymous said...

Eeeps! My bad!

Do not look at the panties of any of the people in this article, that would be perverted.

And I am not a pervert, by no means.

I am clean and wholesome. And, like, totally Christian in all my attributes.

I kid you not. Nor them.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

There are no panties here. Go away.

---Grant Puritan

Anonymous said...

I am reassured that HB is maintaining the adult-child ideal relationship which the marvellous W.C. Fields fostered throughout his life.

putting to rest the post- Fields legacy of Partridge family, Osmonds, LH-onthe-P and the Waltons

I am often asked by small children if my dog bites. I answer "yes" and off they run...

She licks and she bites - she's a dog....


I am a parent

Anonymous said...

Inspector Clouseau: I thought you said your dog doens't bite!
Elderly German Hotel clerk: Zhat is not my dog.

Anonymous said...

Eye desayer a rheum for me end may munkay.

---Inspector Patel

Anonymous said...

Contrayeriweighs, mey leettul yell-oh freind, he baites.

---Grant Clue-so

Anonymous said...

I will not buy this record. It is scratched.

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