Monday, November 18, 2024


Some kind of severe weather event will take place this week in Northern California that has all the experts either excited or flummoxed. The article looked interesting, but I was too busy wrestling with my computer mouse to read it. It involves rain. Somewhere between the North Bay and the Oregon border. Which is not surprising. So I'll have to do my laundry today as it might be wet tomorrow. Possibly pouring down by the evening. Seeing as the bookseller is presently gallavanting all over cities on the Easter Seaboard, there will not be a rat watching session this week.

Probably a good week to be a vegetable.

Sit around the house all day during the wetness, reading last weeks mail before throwing it out -- "it's time to review your medicare coverage, and shift to new and better plans which we wish to tell you all about, and quite coincidentally we have ideas! -- pay a few bills, get refills at the pharmacy, and pick my nose.

Drink strong tea, giggle over Trump world having conniptions, and smoke a Virginia Perique blend produced over a decade ago by Cornell & Diehl, of which I have four nicely bulgy aged tins, acquired recently. Fiammata, compounded for Castello, no longer in production. Earthy and somewhat punchy. If I open one, there will be three left for the stockpile.

Probably also a good week to purchase another mouse. I've tested this one on both USB ports, and it's probably not the computer but the rodent that's past it's prime.
The gloomy painting above was made with a recalcitrant mouse.

It is unlikely that Andrew Wyeth or Joseph Mallord William Turner had to deal with a stiff mouse. Highly doubtful, even. They would not have stood for it.

It cannot possibly be bribed with cheese.
As a Dutchman, I have cheese.
No, I haven't even tried.

Laundry. Mail. And lottery tickets (I want to be rich).
Tea. Fiammata and Charatan pipes. Cheese.
No rats in Spofford Alley. Mouse.

What would I do if I won the lottery? I'd buy more cheese.
As well as more pipes, tobacco, and cups of tea.

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