Saturday, November 09, 2024


The other evening my apartment mate listened to some real old timey music on youtube. Stuff which should be banned. Cowboy yodeling. Stuff which people listened to back in the day because there was nothing else and radio was meant to be frightful. There was no Weird Al then, and people had no taste yet.

"Oh, let's all go down to Santa Fe town to see the big fiesta! Perk-a-deedle dye-del oom tweet tweet! Perk-a-deedle dye-del oom tweet tweet!"

That wasn't it, but as good as. The Santa Fe song was done by Louise Massey And The Westerners. Her song, which she listened to several versions of, all with that bloody awful cowboy yodeling, was in a similar vein. Imagine the whole family sitting around the radio in the evening - maw, paw, junior, missy, grampaw and granmaw, and the dog -- telling each other "my heavens that's some mighty fine music, yessirree" appreciatively.

No wonder people needed pills and psychiatry by the fifties.
It was a kinder gentler time.

Of course, if they lived back then, they'd be dead now. Mostly.

Feel free to blame their frightful music. It probably was a major contributing factor. People live longer now, and the music is better. Q.E.D. Still often half-witted, yes, but no longer inspired by raving idiocy.

Well, other than Nickelback.

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