Sunday, November 10, 2024


Did you know that there was once a war between the Belgians and the Dutch? The Belgians would have won, because they had way more hand grenades. The Dutch, being monumental cheapskates, had barely bought any at all. So the Belgians lobbed hand grenades at the Dutch, with no end. The problem was that the Dutch kept pulling the pins out and throwing them back.

This illustrates that we Dutch like to control the narrative. For many of my fellow Dutch (including Dutch Americans of generations residence surrounded by Anglos, such as I am), nothing hurts more than losing control of the narrative. Which explains perfectly our pain at the anti-Semitic pogrom recently in Amsterdam. Things got out of hand, we lost control of the narrative, other people started talking louder than us, and with a catch in our collective throat we demonstrated a hithertofore unknown talent for breastbeating and shirt-rending. Thus once again making it all about us. Or at least taking the focus off the victims and perpetrators, who are just incidental in any case.

As a fluent speaker of Dutch, I have a few opinions (it would quite unnatural for a Dutchman NOT to have opininions, some of them incorrect or utterly berserk): 1) A pox on the morons who thought that shipping a whole bunch of Israeli soccer fans to Amsterdam (which is filled with rabid leftwingers) was a good idea at this time. 2) A pox on the Dutch police, who should have ensured this did not happen, and their smirking superiors. 3) A pox on the Moroccans and Turks who were most of the perpetrators. 4) And a pox on all those Netherlanders who will now gleefully point their fingers at their Moroccan and Turkish fellow citizens screaming "see, see, it was them, not us, them! Those people who did not perfectly assimilate! We TOLD you not to allow them in!"

As a follow-up comment to that fourth pox: Combining people from two pissant unpleasant overreacting cultures (Morocco, the Netherlands) leads to people who combine the worst of both worlds. Throw in that typical Dutch characteristic of blaming others, and not seeing one's own flaws: total toxicity.

BTW: I really don't care how crude, provocative, and belligerent, some of those Maccabi supporters were. That cannot justify the horrid behaviour from the Amsterdammers.
Ze kunnen allemaal verrotten.
I should also mention that I am immensely fond of Amsterdam, it's a great city despite some of the residents, of any ethnic background: Dutch, Moroccan, Turk, or even Palestinian.

Final note: It is immensely frikkin' insulting that the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned anti-Arab chants and an attack on the Palestinian flag, calling on the Dutch government to protect Palestinians and Arabs living in the Netherlands. I'm sorry, but having those corrupt murderous hypocrites lecturing anybody just doesn't sit well.

Palestinian Foreign Affairs: Isn't that basically terrorism wearing a Saville Row suit?]

Why the hell is some Arab bureaucrat pissing on my side?
What the blazes is wrong with those people?
Damned goat-abusers.

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