Wednesday, November 13, 2024


It happens too often for my liking that someone sees the cane and offers me a seat on the bus. Don't they see my youthful mien and sparkling eyes? Oh, right, I'm wearing a mask. They can't see bupkes.

When I took the bus up to the laundromat, when I headed over the hill for lunch, and in the evening when I headed out for the usual Tuesday night pub crawl.

It should be mentioned that I am not at all an old fart, and in far better condition than I was six years ago. Repeat: Not. An. Old. Fart.

Why , I'm just bursting with piss and vinegar.
I am young and vibrant!

Lunch was the fried noodles I had promised myself yesterday, specifically shrimp sauce and beef over rice vermicelli (蝦醬牛肉炒米粉 'haa jeung ngau yiuk chaau mai fan').
On which I dolloped chili paste like there was no tomorrow morning.
Divine, the very food of the gods, hartversterkend.

Good food for Autumn. An excellent prelude for smoking a pipe while it turns dark and the rats in the park run around under one's gaze. What an odd life, rushing out for dinner in a constant state of wary panic, and fleeing at the first sight of a moving biped, then coming back to shlep the greasy scrap to a safe place in the shadows under the bushes!
So much effort, so little feast.

There were no rats evident later in the evening while I wandered over to the usual place to smoke while waiting for the book seller. Beer was succesfully got at a favourite dive after burgering, but due to insensate yowling from the karaoke joint we decided to head over to our regular back-up boîte. This will be the last such evening in a while, as he is going on vacation (New York City and Baltimore), and won't be back in civilization till December.

We talked briefly about the recent election.
Ellen Lee Zhou only got 2% of the vote.
Gosh darn. How disappointing.
Take the hint, lady.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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