Monday, October 21, 2024


Sunrise nowadays is well after seven o'clock. Quite a change. In the old days it was before six, what is this world coming to? Kids these days! Errm, what I mean is that Autumn is more or less here, and everyone's favourite all-American flavour is back. Pumpkin spice! Pumpkin spice mochachinos, pumpkin spice cookies, pumpkin spice cola, pumpkin spice candles, pumpkin spice pickled meat, ranch dressing, hard candies, and pipe tobacco.

Recently, I tried some of that last product. Reason being that a fortnightly associate hates aromatics. He cringes, wails, tantrums, and laments, most delightfully whenver I smoke garbage like that. And I was working with him yesterday.

No reaction. Not that covid wrecked his nose buds -- he has pretty much recovered from that infection four years ago, still one or two very mild touches of brain-fog, which will eventually fully pass -- but that the stankweed in question is actually pretty good and very subtle.

The most recent holiday blend by Cornell & Diehl is quite smokable, and I'll probably buy a few tins in addition to depleting the sample tin on the shelf. The great thing about C&D is that unlike several other manufacturers they abstain from use of the usual chemical humectants, preservatives, nasty syrups, and industrial oils and moisturizers, in consequence of which their aros don't feel like greasy nuclear fall-out shelter spagnum.
They look and feel like tobacco.

And as I said, I will probably buy a few tins.
I loathe aromatics, generally speaking.

The less said about America's fondness for pumpkin spice, the better. All over the country vacuous teenage spazheads (female persons of any age up to retirement) are swilling hot syrupy high-coloric caffeinated beverages and driving their adult coworkers batty because after all that sugar and caffeine they just can't shut up. The Starbucks directly underneath Swansen's Mortuary and Funeral Internet (download the App now!) keeps them wired and does a booming business! All with-it young professionals drink pumpkin spice lattes.
With ethically sourced all green biodegradable ingredients and styrofoam!
Soy and oatmilk versions available! It's vegan!

A few years ago I used to work in a spazhead environment, so I can just imagine what the situation is now. I still shudder when people talk about teevee shows they watched last night. And I avoid Starbucks products and environments.

No, what I had in my pipe this morning when I stepped out for a smoke after my first cup of coffee was not a Cornell & Diehl holiday blend, but Fribourg & Treyer Special Brown Flake. When it's grim and depressing on the street, with homeless addicts slumbering in doorways and Republican tourists from the red states waking up from adenochrome jags while rolling in their own body wastes (that's what they come here for), and local yuppies walking their dogs and collecting poo, a nice crisp fragrance is required. One could almost feel like it was the fifties again, before beatniks, hippies, and vegans.

It smells like victory.

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