Sunday, October 20, 2024


When I get to work I keep an eye out for crows. There are quite a few of them in that neighborhood, particularly two big ones that perch nearby at that hour. I've taken to giving them little treats. So eventually they'll recognize me, and think me not a bad sort.

Perhaps after several months I'll have an unstoppable army of crows and can conquer the world. Or perhaps not.

Crows often are far more likable than people. It's that cocky self confidence combined with a calm determined curiosity. And a happy sense of discovery. They're rather like Captain Jack Sparrow in some ways.

The rest of day contrasted with that. One of the old codgers in the back used profanity and sacred terminology in equal measure for over an hour as the San Francisco numeric team lost pitifully to the folks from Kansas City. A total debacle. They played miserably.
Damned poor show, what? Oh well, better luck next time.

Tssk, tssk.

Myself, I wasn't interested in the game.
The crows likely weren't either.
Very sensible.
As far as I'm concerned, the inmates are ruining the asylum.

I've learned to interpret their crazed gesticulations.

You know, I wanted to be a lumberjack!

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Late lunch coinciding with tea time. At home, because I need a break from the multitudes today, having dealt with them and their mega brain ...