Thursday, April 27, 2023


The day has only barely started, but elsewhere Fox News has already been in a full-bore spew of sewage. This per the helpful Microsoft Start screen that pops up to tell me the latest headlines and provide clickable links.

FOX: Top Swedish doctors blow whistle on trans puberty-suppresssing drugs affecting children's bones

FOX: Here's what my tour of America taught me about the weird, woke, and wicked

FOX: NPR Podcast argues 'thinness' a product of 'white supremacy and patriarchy'

You can probably see the subtexts. Outrage, I told you so, and damned libs.

Other buskers of bloviata are 1945, The Telegraph, and The New York Post. But Fox is what the majority of SFB's rely on to kickstart their thought processes in the morning and provide material for their dreams of superiority and wetness when they go to sleep at night.
The assault on normalcy continues.

Almost any moment now, Kevin from India will start calling to tell me about something available to me if I have Medicare part A and B, am between the ages of forty and eighty, or have airducts, need to be buried, or have my computer open right now. Plus the extended warranty on my vehicle (haven't had a car in decades; I live in SF). And would I mind answering a few probing question?

That's the part of the modern world I don't mind too much. I used to do commercial credit and collections, business to business, and here we have some poor saps virtually volunteering to be my guinea pig. Such things keep me in form. I'll ask them about their fatty inner thighs.

The good news is that I've already had my coffee, and wandered around the neighborhood smoking my first pipe of the day. So I'm awake and in a splendid mood.
It can only get better.

By the way: The title of this essay is in reference to a relative several generations ago who would come home and abuse his wife with pork chops. She kept the curtains closed and the gas light on all day. Both of them may have had some issues.
But they are examples for how to live.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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